Tools to migrate ASP applications to ASP.Net

ASP is the classic technology to design web applications. Most of the web applications were built in ASP before a decade; but when Microsoft released its .Net framework ASP .Net, the industry gave it an overwhelming response due to its incredible features. It made the web development process much easier and efficient than before. It introduced the backend programming in ASP .Net. In ASP, the applications were developed in a Scripting language but with ASP .Net, the developer has the options to choose from different languages like C#, J#, Visual basic, .Net etc.

ASP.NET development

Why migrate to ASP .Net? Simply I can say it will raise the standard of your web application. It will increase the stability and reliability of your application to a next level. Moreover, your application will be more scalable than before with ASP .Net. As a result, your application will gain a performance boosting from the framework. It also helps in avoiding the cross-browser compatibility issue for your application. The ASP .Net developer will have more control over the server side programming; because, ASP .Net provides a platform to isolate the server side programming from that of client side. It also helps in optimizing your application with proper use of cache memory.

ASP2ASPX tool: This is from Netcoole software solutions. It helps in migrating from ASP application to ASPX in a very less span of time. It converts the VBScript to C# or VB .Net as per the requirement of the web developer. It provides the support for code behind functions. It has various migration options like ASP built-in object to ASP .Net, ADO DB to nceADO .Net, File access system to nceScripting namespace etc. Moreover, it has the capability to analyse different data types of ASP and convert them to corresponding data type of .Net. It can generate the migration report after successful migration of the application or program.

ASP to ASP .Net migration assistance: It is yet another migration tool for ASP applications to ASP .Net platform. The best part is that it can be run from within the Visual Studio platform itself. With this tool, it converts all the .asp pages to .aspx page with all precautions. Moreover, it corrects all the references of the original file to the new file during migration. The references may be like href, including files, directives and form attribute etc. It also analyses all the variables and data types of ASP and converts them to ASP .Net data types. This tool performs just like the ASP2ASPX tool in many prospective.

Is it wise to rely on the migration tools? This is the biggest challenge while dealing with any migration tool. Well, you can’t rely on just a tool like ASP2ASPX or ASP to ASP >net migration assistance tool for all your requirements. A tool can convert the codes but it can’t understand your logic behind; so you must take care of the same while migrating an application. I would suggest you to keep a backup of the original file before you try for a migration; so that if any failure occurs you can roll back.

You can get in touch with a custom .NET development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide .NET application development services. If you would like to hire ASP.NET programmers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Boost your small business on the web with ASP .Net

ASP .Net – A true web language: In a period when there is a lunch of hundreds of new web applications everyday in the IT market one can easily understand the importance of e-marketing in the industry. Almost all sectors are taking the help of modern web application development to reach at their target audience in an efficient manner. Moreover, a web page can be reached to any corner of the world for the business owner. This makes it a true global marketing tool for the enterprise. Understanding the situation many organisations of the IT industry including Microsoft are providing platforms to develop enterprise standard web applications for the industry. Microsoft’s ASP .Net is a framework which is extremely reliable for developing quality web applications in less time.

ASP.NET development

Faster web development with ASP framework: All the latest versions since ASP .Net 3.5 are fully equipped with modern features which make the web application development process not only faster but also easier. An asp dot Net developer can develop dynamic web pages using the framework which improves the performance of the website. Any small business usually targets for developing enterprise standard web applications within his limited budget. This can be possible only by using a framework like ASP .Net which has MVC architecture to develop quality web applications for the business within less time and effort. Hence this makes the business to expand to a greater limit due to the expansion of customers to a wide range through the web application.

All amenities under one hood for your business needs: Any business has some basic needs like improving the customer satisfaction, providing better services and of course reaching at maximum number of customers. Fortunately ASP .Net has all these facilities for its clients and asp developer can develop a modern website for your business in which you can showcase your quality services and products to your customers that too without any time barrier i.e., 24X7. Moreover, with a web application for your business you can help your customers by replaying their queries online for 24X7. This will improve your standard of business and quality of service for your customers.

Modern website with ASP .Net: ASP .Net developer can develop a modern website for your business which can be used for different devices and platforms. ASP.NET development process can create light weight web solutions for your business which can be used by any small hand held devices like smart phones or tablets. Moreover, an ASP developer can develop a smart phone app or mobile app for different platforms like iOS and Android operating system which can be made available in respective market places i.e., Google’s play store or Apple’s app store. Your customers throughout the globe can download the app and install in their smart phones to get variety of services and products of your business from their home which will definitely give a good reputation to your business.

You can rely on Microsoft: Finally, if something is associated with Microsoft we don’t need to doubt about the quality, reliability and support for the same. Since ASP .Net is the brain child of Microsoft we can expect a world class quality service from the same in any department. We can definitely have a peaceful sleep on the night while our ambitious projects are under the supervision of Microsoft’s flagship product ASP .Net.

We provide .NET application development services. If you would like to hire expert .NET developers for your web development needs, please visit Mindfire Solutions.

Discussing the various components in .Net framework

.NET Framework is a partially open source and a freeware software framework that has been developed by team Microsoft. It runs basically on Microsoft Windows and consists of a huge class library named as FCL (Framework Class Library). It provides the user with language interoperability option across different programming languages. The programs that are written for .NET Framework are executed in a software environment which is known as CLR or Common Language Runtime. With varied technologies and tools provided by this platform, it helps in the development of web, Windows as well as Enterprise applications.

.NET development services

Besides the CLR and FLR, there are other components of this framework. These include Dynamic Language Runtimes (DLR), Runtime Host, Application Domains, .NET Framework Security, Cross-Language Interoperability, Common Type System, Profiling, Side-by-Side Execution and Metadata and Self-Describing Components.

Common Language Runtime (CLR)

Common Language Runtime or CLR is a runtime environment provided by .Net Framework. This environment has the ability to run all .Net Programs. The code that is used for running under the CLR is termed as Managed Code. Programmers need not to worry about the issue of memory management in the event of programs running under the CLR since it has the provision of the same in addition to thread management.

Whenever a program requires memory, CLR programmatically makes the allocation of memory for scope and de-allocates the same on completion of the same. The language compilers such as C#, .Net, J #, and VB will assist in the conversion of the Program or Code to a Microsoft Intermediate Language or MSIL which in turn will get converted to the native code by the CLR.

.Net Framework Class Library

Also known as Base Class Library, it is a common library for all types of applications with respect to the way of accessing the Library Classes along with the methods in VB.NET. It will be the same for all other languages in .NET including C#. This component provides data access, cryptography, database connectivity, user interface, numeric algorithms, network communications as well as web application development. The .NET Class Library can be used by XML Web Services, Windows Application, Web Application, Windows Services as well as Console Application.

Developers while using this component only require importing Base Class Library within their language code and use the predefined methods along with the properties of this component for implementing complex and common functions like graphic rendering, XML document manipulation, database interaction and reading and writing to file. It is inclusive of classes and interfaces that are basically reusable and integrates CLR.

Common Type System (CTS)

It is a set of data types that is often used in various .Net languages. CTS ensure the developers that the objects written in several of these languages have the ability to interact with one another. These types have to be compatible with each other at the very basic level in order to communicate between the programs that are written in any .NET complaint language.

The specification with respect to CTS defines all possible data types along with programming constructs supported by CLR as well as the way they might or might not have any interaction with one another thereby conforming to CLI or the Common Language Infrastructure. Owing to specifically this feature, this structure basically supports exchange of types as well as object instances between the libraries as well as the applications that have been written using any conforming .NET language.


Computer systems in common require having interaction between older as well as newer applications. The framework provides the developers with the means of accessing the functionality that has been implemented in the newer as well as the older programs that are executed outside the related environment.

This platform is inclusive of design features as well as tools that help in management of the installation of computer software. It is generally done so as to ensure zero interference on the part of this software with the previously installed ones as well as to make it sure that it conforms to different security requirements.

Programmers using the framework produce the software by using a combination of their personal source code with this structure along with various other libraries. It has been built for the purpose of being used by most of the new applications that are being created for Windows platform. You can get in touch with a custom ASP.NET development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide .NET development services. If you would like to hire certified .net developers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

An overview of ASP.Net 5

Microsoft’s flagship product i.e., framework has been on the success path since its inception due to its continuous effort to enhance its features as per the industry requirements. On the other hand, web developers are getting adequate scope to develop industry standard web solutions on the fly using MVC framework. Let us have a glance over the 5 features which help the developers in developing rich web applications with efficiency. application development

Enum support in Views: In MVC 5.1, there is an introduction of new helper method i.e., @ Html.EnumDropListFor (). This helper method can be used to evaluate an expression to enum type or a Nullable<T>, where T is an enum type. We can use EnumHelper.IsValidForEnumHelper() to test the requirements. Moreover, there is another method to manipulate a list prior to calling through EnumHelper.GetSelectList() method which return an IList<selectlistitem>.

Improvements in Attribute routing: In the latest MVC framework there is a new extensibility point i.e., IDirectRouteProvider to allow the developer for full control over how attribute routs should be configured and of course discovered. This class helps in separating overridable virtual methods in order to change the logic for discovering attributes. It also helps in creating route entries and discovering area prefix and route prefix. We can implement this class during calling of map attributes or map HTTPAttributeRoutes.

Bootstrap support: The latest framework gives a freedom to the web developers ( developers) to use all twitter bootstrap features in their project. This time, bootstrap library is already built in integrated with the framework to develop rich web applications which can exert beautiful user experience and improved layout. Well as an developer, one can understand the importance of twitter bootstrap library in developing modern web application for different platforms and devices. This also helps in developing responsive web applications which can give the user same awesome experience irrespective of screen size, browser and platform. This is really a future ready feature for developers.

Cloud ready environment: Recently there is a tremendous gossip on the cloud computing technology which can be used to improve the user experience in small devices like smart phones and tablets. A user can take the help of cloud services to store different types of contents without any need of physical storage on his hand held computer devices. Moreover, all data of the user is extremely secure on the cloud with different types of encryption methodologies. Now, web developers are having an inbuilt cloud support environment to develop enterprise standard modern web applications for the future.

No need to rebuild for every change: This has been an annoying experience for the developers to rebuild the application every time for a single change in the program to catch the effect on the browser. But this time Microsoft has given a special attention for this issue and they have fixed it. Now the expert .net developers can view the effect of the change on the browser without any rebuild operation just through a refresh click. This helps in quick fixes of the application by the web developer.

Cross platform: Microsoft understands the importance of future devices and hence it has put a tremendous effort for framework to develop enterprise standard web solutions for modern platforms. Now the application developed by framework can be used in different platforms like desktops, smart phones etc to give the same user experience to all section of users.

We provide ASP.NET application development services. If you are looking for developers from ASP.NET development company, who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules., please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

5 Things That Will Convince You to Hire ASP.Net Programmers Remotely

According to, “Over the coming months, we will be open sourcing the full server-side .NET Core stack, from ASP.NET 5 down to the Core Runtime and Framework, and the open source .NET will be expanded to run on Linux and Mac OS X in addition to Windows.” So now enterprises can use the widely used server-side web application development framework regardless of their choice of operating system. At the same time, Microsoft has also announced its decision to re-implement ASP.Net as a modular framework for developing modern websites, web application and web services.

.net application development

However, each enterprise has to hire the right ASP.Net programmer to develop high-performing and user-friendly web applications within a stipulated timeframe and budget. With more and more IT companies conducting business online, remote programmers and teams have become more commonplace. If you are looking for ASP.Net developers, it is a great idea to hire remote programmers to reap a number of benefits.

5 Reasons Why You Must Consider Hiring Remote ASP.Net Programmers

1) Hire Skilled Programmers at Lower Cost

While hiring ASP.Net programmers, you must remember that great talent does not live next-door. So there are chances that you have to convince the programmer to shift to your city. But when you can handle remote programmers, you can literally hire top notch ASP.Net developers from anywhere. Further, the remote hiring will make it easier for you to hire skilled web programmers within your budget. The lower and flexible payment system in certain countries will help you in getting better talent without being out of budget.

2) Curtail Project Overheads

To beat competition, each IT company has to explore ways to bring down the project overheads. When you deploy in-house developers, you have to incur several recurring expenses like office rent, electricity, computers, internet and other equipments. You can avoid these expenses by working with remote programmers. As the remote ASP.Net developers will use their own resources, you can easily cut the unnecessary and additional costs. Further, you can keep the office space requirement minimum by hiring a remote team of ASP.Net programmers.

3) Get Enhanced Productivity

A number of reports have highlighted that a remote team of programmers are more productive that employees working onsite. According to a whitepaper released by, “Telecommuting can improve employees’ work-life balance and save your business money.” The whitepaper further highlighted that “48% of remote workers say they are less stressed, whereas 53% of employers with remote workers report more productive employees”. The increased productivity of remote employees will help you in developing high-performing and user-friendly ASP.Net application within a shorter span of time.

4) Option to Hire ASP.Net Developers on Contract Basis

You also have option to hire remote ASP.Net developers on contract basis. The option makes it easier for you to build a team for a fixed time period or specific projects. Also, the option allows you to increase or decrease the team size according to specific requirements. However, the flexibility will not affect the professional approach followed by remote developers. Many reports have highlighted that remote programmers follow more professional approach than the in-house employees. The freelancing developers further deliver high quality services to build long-term business association with clients.

5) Prepare to Adopt ASP.NET vNext

Along with making ASP.Net open source, Microsoft has already revealed its plan to re-implement the web development framework. The project titled “ASP.NET vNext” aims to create a cross platform web application development framework by merging ASP.Net Web Pages, MVC and Web API. So it becomes essential for businesses to hire web programmers familiar with both ASP.Net and extension frameworks. When you hire talent remotely, you can easily find programmers who have used these ASP.Net development models to create websites and web applications. So it will be easier for you to develop modern web applications with ASP.NET vNext by hiring remote programmers.

When you decide to hire a remote ASP.Net programmer, it becomes essential to consider a number of key factors. To hire the right remote programmer, you must consider his experience in working remotely, working hours, work environment and preferred communication channel. You need to ensure that the remote developer can work as part of your remote web application development team.

We provide .NET application development services. If you would like to hire ASP.NET devs for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Modern Web Apps in ASP.Net – How good is it?

Since its initial release in January 2002, ASP.Net is being used by developers across the world to create a wide variety of websites, web application and web services. Microsoft has further made both .Net framework and ASP.Net open source. So now the server-side web development framework can also be used by both small businesses and startups. The enterprises will still evaluate the effectiveness of ASP.Net in creating modern web applications. However, a number of reports have already highlighted why ASP.Net can be used effectively for creating modern and user-friendly internet apps. development

Why Enterprises Prefer ASP.Net for Creating Modern Web Applications?

Loads of Controls

While creating complex and mission critical web applications, developers have to write longer lines of code. But ASP.Net developers can use a variety of predefined controls to avoid writing additional code. They have option to use HTML server controls, web server controls, validation server controls and data bound controls. They can make several HTML tags programmable simply by adding the runat=”server” attribute. Likewise, the ASP.Net controls are tags that are identified and understood by the server. At the same time, the data bound controls can be used to retrieve and present data in a more efficient way. These controls help programmers in enhancing the look, feel and performance of the internet app without writing lengthy code.

Option to Create Custom and User Controls

Along with using the predefined ASP.Net controls, programmers also have option to create custom and user controls. They can encapsulate and register specific sections of a web page, and use them as user controls. Similarly, they can also create custom controls that can be used across multiple web apps and Visual Studio projects. As modern web apps are required to deliver personalized user experience, these controls are useful for keeping the users engaged.

Improve the App’s Performance

In comparison to other server-side scripting languages, ASP.Net is more effective in increasing the application’s performance. The Cache object provided by the framework can be used for storing data for a specific amount of time. Also, the Cache object can be shared across multiple applications. While being compiled for the first time, the server side code is added to the DLL files or assemblies on the web server. The DLL or assemblies contain Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) that run within common language runtime. So the performance of the ASP.Net application is boosted without putting any extra effort.

Several Extension Frameworks

Microsoft has further released a set of extension frameworks to extend the functionality of ASP.Net. So the web programmers have option to extend the performance of ASP.Net by plugging AJAX, MVC framework, Dynamic Data, Razor View Engine and Web API. ASP.Net AJAX helps programmers in enhancing the performance of a web page by adding AJAX functionality to both client-side and server-side components. ASP.Net framework facilitates development of large application by keeping the business logic and presentation separate. ASP.Net Dynamic Engine can be used by developers to create data-driven applications. ASP.Net Web API makes it easier for programmers to expose web services to a wide range of devices.

Enhanced Cyber Security

ASP.Net further helps programmers in creating secure web applications. The developers can use several ASP.Net validation server controls to validate the user input against a specific value or range of values. If the value entered by the user does not pass the validation, the control will display him an error message. At the same time, the programmers can also use ASP.Net Identity 2.0 to effectively handle the complex authentication and authorization of modern internet apps. As ASP.Net Identity 2.0 supports two-factor authentication, the enterprises can allow users to access their application only by entering the code sent to them through SMS or email. Also, the user account can be blocked temporarily to protect the internet application from all types of cyber criminals.

Microsoft has already revealed its plan to re-implement ASP.NET development as a cross-platform, modular and modern web application development framework. The project called ASP.NET vNext will merge Web Pages, Web API and MVC. The unified MVC 6 provided by the next generation of ASP.Net will make it easier for programmers to make large and complex internet apps more user-friendly.

We provide ASP.NET web development services. If you would like hire expert ASP.NET developers for your development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions

High Performing ASP.Net Application Development – Best Practices

As a server-side web application development framework, ASP.Net is used widely for creating dynamic and high performing websites, internet applications and web services. Microsoft has further designed the framework to allow programmers to write code in several .NET supported languages including C# and VB.Net. You can always use ASP.Net to reap a number of benefits including less coding, rapid development, enhanced security and easy maintenance. At the same time, you can also use a set of rich server and client-side controls to accomplish a variety of tasks without writing longer lines of code, while enjoying complete control over the application. However, it is also important to understand and use some best practices for high performing ASP.Net application development.

ASP.NET development

5 ASP.Net Best Practices for Developing High-Performing Web Applications

1) Use HTML and CSS instead of Control Adapters

Since the release of .Net 2.0, developers use control adapter to render customized code according to individual devices and environments. But you have option to render customized code by using HTML and CSS. You can render customized code by using CSS media queries and standards-compliant HTML to improve the application’s performance. It is also recommended to use HTML and CSS instead of control adapters. Many developers even prefer converting the existing control adapters into HTML and CSS to improve the application’s performance.

2) Use CSS Stylesheets instead of Controls’ Style Properties

ASP.Net web server controls allow programmers to change their look and feel by using in-line style properties. However, they also have option to set the formatting value of these web controls through CSS stylesheets. For instance, instead of using the forecolor property of a web control, you can use CSS stylesheets to set the color of the control. The use of CSS stylesheets will help you in avoiding setting values for individual web controls. Also, you can use centralize style values to easily change the look and feel of these web controls.

3) Avoid Using Page and Control Callback Methods

Often programmers are required to update specific part of a web page without refreshing the page completely. It is a common practice among ASP.Net developers to accomplish partial page update through Page and Control callback methods. But programmers do not realized that use of these Page and Control callback methods affect the application’s performance by creating issues related to routing and friendly URLs. You can always improve the performance of your ASP.Net application by disabling the callback methods. The partial page updates can be performed more efficiently by using AJAX, MVC, SignalR, Web API or UpdatePanel.

4) Use Dynamic Browser Capability Detection Feature

The popularity of a website or internet application, nowadays, depends on its compatibility with various devices and web browsers. While using earlier versions of ASP.Net, programmers were required to detect supported features for each browser by storing these supported features in XML files. But the static method of detecting the supported features for individual browser can have a huge impact on the performance and popularity of the application. So you must detect the supported features for each browser dynamically by using specially designed frameworks like Modernizr. The framework will use a specific property or method against the browser to detect if the browser produces the desire results.

5) Enable Auto Generated Client Side Validations

Most web programmers rely on the request validation feature of ASP.Net to prevent perceived threat by identifying and stopping bad requests. But you must remember that the request validation feature is not effective in fully combating cross site scripting attacks. To eliminate the threat of cross site scripting attacks, it is important to validate all user input, and encode the output. ASP.NET MVC 2 further allows developers to keep the client-side and server-side validations separate. You can simply enable the client side validations to protect the website from cross site scripting attacks by adding client side validation.

On the whole, you have to learn several ASP.Net best practices to rapidly develop high performing websites and web applications. Also, you must avail latest version of ASP.Net to avail several new features and capabilities. These features will help you in improving the performance of the ASP.Net applications without putting any extra time and effort. You can get in touch with a custom .net development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide .net development services. If you would like to hire dot net programmers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Is ASP.Net Shopping Cart a Good Option for e-Commerce Sites?

Both new and existing businesses, nowadays, prefer selling their products and services online. But each business has to consider several factors while creating a web store. Along with deciding the process to fulfill the orders and a payment gateway, the business must choose the right shopping cart solution. While comparing the shopping cart solution, it is important to focus on some key features, along with the user experience. A constant increase is also noted in the number of ecommerce platforms using shopping cart solutions based on ASP.Net. It is also a good idea to understand some of the major benefits of using an ASP.Net shopping cart.

.net application development

Understanding Major Benefits of ASP.Net Shopping Cart Software

Easy to Use

You have option to choose from several shopping cart solutions written in ASP.Net. Most shopping carts are designed with simple and easy-to-use features. Further, these software applications can be integrated smoothly with ecommerce applications. So you can easily pick the right solution that will make your web store popular by delivering the ultimate shopping experience.

Flexible Product Management

You must choose a shopping cart solution that allows customers to add, edit and delete items in a quick and flexible way. Many web store owners rely on ASP.Net shopping cart solutions to enable customers to add, edit and delete items at their own pace before moving to the billing process. These solutions are designed with robust features to make product management quick and convenient.

Currency Converter

The ecommerce application will enable you to offer your products to customers residing in different regions. So the customers will want to know the prices of the products in their local currencies. The ASP.Net shopping cart solutions are designed with currency converters. So the customer can easily check the total amount due in local currency. The feature will encourage customers to visit your web store at regular intervals.

Integrated with Multiple Payment Gateway Systems

To deliver the ultimate shopping experience, you must allow customers to pay for the items in a number of ways. For instance, the customers must have option to pay through their credit cards, online bank accounts, Google Pay or PayPal. The ASP.Net shopping cart solutions work smoothly with several payment gateway systems. So the software will allow your customers to pay for the products without any inconvenience.

Safe Shopping Experience

The constant increase in online frauds is having a huge impact on the popularity of ecommerce. While buying products from a new web store, often customers hesitate to share sensitive information like credit card details. But the shopping cart solutions written in ASP.Net can avail the security features of .Net platform. The solution can further provide user authentication and password protection. So the ASP.Net shopping cart will contribute towards increasing your ecommerce site’s reputation and credibility.

Easy to Manage and Customize the Sites

Unlike conventional websites, an ecommerce site has to be updated and customized at frequent intervals. In addition to adding new products and modifying existing products, the seller also has to offer discounts and deals. The ASP.Net shopping cart makes it easier for you to update and customize the ecommerce site. It includes a strong administration panel to facilitate site management without affecting the shopping experience of users.

Option to Save Customer Data

There are several customers who leave the web store after checking the available products. Normally, these people add items to the shopping cart, but leave before moving to the billing process. The ASP.Net shopping carts are designed with features to track customer data, and save the information to a database. So it becomes easier for you to seduce such customers by offering attractive discounts and offers.

You also have option to choose from a wide range of ASP.Net shopping cart solutions for your ecommerce site. Some of these ASP.Net shopping carts are open source and free, whereas others are commercial. Also, you can consider creating a custom-made shopping cart for your ecommerce application using ASP.Net. You can get in touch with a custom .net development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide .net application development services. If you would like to hire programmers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

ASP.Net vNext – How Good is the Framework?

As a powerful and popular web development framework, ASP.Net does not require any introduction. Despite being much simpler and user-friendly for programmers, ASP.Net still requires system administrators to put extra time and effort to fix the configuration and version issues. Microsoft recently announced ASP.NET vNext, a major iteration to the .Net framework that is rebuilt from the scratch to overcome these issues.

.net application development services

The next version of ASP.Net enables developers to create, deploy and maintain cloud-based applications through a unified framework. According to ASP.Net, “The next version of ASP.NET (“ASP.NET vNext”) has been redesigned from the ground up. The goal is to create a lean and composable .NET stack for building modern cloud-based apps. You don’t have to use Visual Studio to develop ASP.NET vNext applications. You can develop and run vNext on platforms that Visual Studio doesn’t run on.


Features that Make ASP.Net vNext Distinct and Innovative


Application Contains Own Version of .Net Framework

While creating web application with ASP.Net, developers have to address minor issues related to application packaging and deployment. But ASP.Net vNext comes with improved application deployment and packaging features that help programmers in avoiding installing the complete .Net framework on their servers. While using vNext, the .Net framework will be contained within the application. Along with other libraries, the framework will also be deployed in the bin directory. So each application will contain its own version of .Net framework to run smoothly on local servers and in cloud environment.


A Unified Web Development Framework

ASP.Net allows developers to choose from three distinct frameworks, i.e., Web Pages, Web API and MVC. But vNext comes with a unified framework called MVC 6. The new framework uses a set of abstractions to make it easier for programmers to develop, deploy and maintain their projects. So now web programmers can use MVC 6 to avail these capabilities of three ASP.Net frameworks. Further, MVC 6 is independent of System.Web. The feature makes the unified framework leaner enough to load fasters and consume less memory.


Cloud-Optimized Framework

Microsoft has further optimized ASP.Net vNext to meet the growing demand for mobile and cloud applications. The framework enables developers to create apps that delivers richer user experience across devices, while running seamlessly in both virtual and hardware environments. The programmers have option to use cloud optimized mode as well as the NET native compiler. The cloud optimized mode enables developers to deploy the app along with the required copies of .NET Framework libraries. Thus, the several apps can run side by side, and get updated on a single machine.



ASP.Net vNext further comes with an innovative real-time compiler called Roslyn. As Roslyn compiles the code dynamically, the programmers are not required to create new projects to implement the code changes. They can simply refresh the browser to make the code changes effective. The feature enables them to write code using cloud based IDEs or local editors. Roslyn further provides open source C# and VB.Net compilers that are designed with rich code analysis APIs. These APIs can be used by developers by using the same APIs that Microsoft use to implement Visual Studio.



While creating ASP.Net vNext, the development team has emphasized on cross-platform capabilities. They have added a new feature called Mono to help developers in running their cloud-optimized .NET applications on multiple platforms. Along with Windows, now they have option to run their cloud-optimized .NET applications on Linux or Mac. Also, Mono makes it easier for programmers to run the same application of several platforms without sacrificing any of its features and capabilities. Thus, the web applications can now be hosted on platforms beyond Windows, while delivering efficient and flawless user experience.


With more and more enterprises adopting cloud computing, it has become essential for programmers to rapidly build cloud-based applications. The Visual Studio team has further announced Visual Studio “14” CTP that comes with the features required to support ASP.Net vNext development. So ASP.Net vNext will help programmers in rapidly creating custom cloud-based applications according to specific requirements of clients.You can get in touch with a development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide .net application development services. If you would like to hire programmers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

ASP.Net programming language – A Game changer

ASP stands for Active Server Pages and in this programming, code is written for facilitation of ASP functionality. In this functionality database-driven, dynamic content is delivered to website viewers, without the server-side system being taxed. In this programming both HTML files as well as ASP files are written and the HTML pages are placed with ASP codes which are then enclosed in individual tags. Changing just the ASP files will change the code. Through the programming, scripting can be done on languages such as Jscript, Visual Basic Script, Python, Perl, etc as well. The language has become quite a game changer due to the multitude of benefits that it offers when compared to the others. Some of the benefits that it offers to the developers are discussed here. web development

True Object Oriented Programming or OOP experience- Through the concept of OOP, really large applications can be easily build; at the same time the code is kept structured as well as clean. When compared to other scripting languages which forced developers to write spaghetti code, in this language, code and display are separated from each other. ASP.NET can be told by developers about where objects have to be created, manipulate the look of the controls, what is displayed by them as well as their size.


XML support- XML can be really easy to use for data configuration, manipulation as well as storage. Information which seldom changes can be stored well since the information can be simply cached in the memory of the computer after initial extraction.


Web applications become faster- There are two aspects that contribute towards its speed- caching and compiled code. Through caching information which will be reused is stored in a specific memory location so that faster access can be achieved in future. Programmers can set up areas of pages or simply pages which can be reused commonly for caching in a specified time period so that the web applications perform better. Additionally data is cached from database so that frequent visiting to databases do not slow down the website. Previously, there was an interpretation of code into “machine language” during the viewing of your page. However, with this language the compilation is carried on even before your site is visited by visitors.


Increased development speed- By virtue of this language an application or website can be developed very quickly in comparison to other technologies. There is an assortment of built-in features that help developers design all kinds of custom applications easily.


Rich client-side and server control- There is excellent client-side as well as server control through several features that help in the development of interactive grids, calendars as well as wizards. You can have full control over websites through this. In fact, the control features can be used immediately.


Applications are available constantly- All the processes are closely monitored and managed by ASP.NET runtime which means when one process dies then automatically a new process is begun which keep the application available at all times for the handling of requests.


Ease of maintenance- The server executes source code, offering a huge amount of flexibility to the web pages. On top of that the presence of HTML makes the maintenance as well as editing of the pages really easy.


Security– The best advantage that ASP.NET offers is that there is built-in security that provides support for authorization as well as authentication. There are options as well for implementation with standards like Kerberos, NTLM, etc.


This is just a brief introduction to how the language has become a game changer in the world of development; actually the list of advantages offered by it carries on and on. It can be the ultimate choice for those who want great performance, minimal code but maximum security. On top of that, working on it is not a very complex process, making it the darling among developers.You can get in touch with a web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide .net development services. If you would like to hire .net developers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.