Checklist of points while migrating to PHP

In software language, migration refers to improvement. With every newer version, you will get more user access for better customization and improved user experience. So you must consider the migration process for your PHP website to make it a smart site on the fly over the latest platform. But, there are many potential threats in the migration process and we can’t ignore them at any situation. You must go through some considerations before you jump into the migration process.”

PHP development

What you get from migration to latest PHP version? Migration means improvement. With the latest version of PHP, you will get enough scope for advanced web application development with many new and enhanced features. Features include support for namespace, Late Static Binding, native Closures, Jump levels, Nowdoc syntax etc. Along with that, a garbage collector is also added for developing advanced web applications on the fly. It is always recommended to remain up-to-date with the latest version of any technology to deal with the ever changing demands of the user.

Back-Up- the term has the highest priority for any Migration process: When you decide to migrate to PHP i.e. the latest version of PHP, the first thing that you should do is to keep a backup of all your previous resources at a secure place. It is recommended to keep those data in a new drive or a different machine drive so that, even by mistake you are not going to lose it during the migration process. The migration process doesn’t take few seconds or minutes rather it may take as long as few hours. So, there is a potential threat of unsuccessful migration process and hence chance of data loss in between. To avoid this issue, there must be a backup of all your resources including the database. Many times the database gets altered during the process so it is necessary to keep the database in a more secure place so that if any data loss occurs we can get it back without much hassle.

Consistency is must: During the migration process due to the change in platform, there is a high chance of inconsistency after the process is completed. It is very common and obvious to find inconsistency between two different versions of any platform. Usually many existing method names, class names and libraries source code get changed in order to provide better quality services with the latest version; but, this affects the behavior of our old PHP application significantly. To avoid this, you must go through each and every modification in the technology and then study the source code of those functions from the documentation and accordingly you should change your previous codes to work with the new platform. In this manner you can avoid the inconsistency issue caused by the migration process.

Compatibility should be well tested: Just like the inconsistency issue, there will be a sure shot compatibility issue when you evolve to the newer version of PHP due to the modified source code. Moreover it also affects the existing plug-ins severely. Most of the plug-ins will not work properly with the latest version and they should be replaced by the corresponding update versions in order to compatible with the latest PHP version. Usually most plug-ins releases their updated versions for the latest PHP version to avoid compatibility issue; but there might be few plug-ins or components that don’t have any compatible updates for the latest version. In that scenario, the developer has to take the responsibility of the plug-ins or components to make them alive in the new platform without mismanaging the application. It can either be done by removing the entire plug-in and its dependencies and then substituting it with another plug-in that may work what the existing was doing previously. Another way is to modify the existing plug-in codebase to make it compatible with the new platform.

Database migration needs full attention from the developer: During the migration if anything is highly unstable then it’s none other than the database. There is a high chance of data loss during the transition and hence you must take preventive steps before you start the migration process. As we have already discussed, the previous database should be kept in a safe and secure environment just like in an isolated drive of the same system or in a different machine. If any data loss occurs we can roll back the database from the backup folder.

Always perform the migration process with a SVN or RTC: SVN or RTC are used for keeping track of any codebase change in the application server. These are highly impactful when we are performing the migration process followed by code modification to make our application fit with the new environment. Usually we find errors and bugs in the new application after the migration process and hence it can be avoided by using an enterprise standard SVN or RTC for versioning purpose. It is like a life saver for the developers during any critical situations; because it enables the application to roll back to its previous version without zero hassle.

Make sure, your application can be roll back if needed: As discussed above versioning tools like SVN or RTC can be used for roll back of modified codebase but what about if the migration process is absolutely unsuccessful? In that case, we have to check if there is any migration tool available for PHP to migrate to a newer version and whether it provides the roll back option if the process is unsuccessful. As a tech savvy, we will not recommend you to rely over a software tool for the migration process and putting all your effort and risk on the same rather we would say it would be an unwise decision to rely on a manmade migration tool. To avoid this you should keep all your existing resource as backup in an isolated location or machine so that in case of unsuccessful migration you can restore your application from the backup.

Finally, Extensive testing is must: Once the migration process is completed there must be many compatibility issue, inconsistency and unreliability in your application. Hence it must be under go severe testing approaches i.e., both manual testing as well as automation testing to find out if any loop hole is still present in the application after iterative testing processes. Never compromise on the quality of testing at any cost because this will seriously hamper your end product or application.

Mindfire Solutions provides expert offshore PHP development services from India, gaining its expertise from years of experience in PHP web development and PHP application development. We have been working in PHP for the last 10+ years and have gained expertise on various PHP application development frameworks and PHP services. We offer expert PHP web design and programming services for global clients. Our Zend certified PHP programmers are proficient in PHP Porting and Migration services, PHP website development and PHP web development.

Positives of hiring a PHP development company for web development

A reliable PHP development farm can help you in quality output: If you are considering hiring a PHP development farm for your next web application project then you are going to take a good decision. When you out source your application development to a reliable software farm from a well known region like India, you will get a lots of perks during the development process. The best part is they have expert teams of PHP developers in their company that will definitely help you in getting an awesome product at the end of the project. The experience and expertise of those PHP developers can help you in getting a reliable and prominent website for your users. The website being developed by expert PHP developers will definitely be not only efficient but also optimised and interactive.

PHP development

Well, PHP is extremely cost effective for web development process: If you decide to make the development process within your premises then you have to incur lots of costs in different forms like infrastructure cost, developers cost, tester’s wages and maintenance cost for your development process. Though at no point of time, all of these resources will work for your web development process, but you have to pay for them continuously. On the contrary, if you hire a PHP development farm for this purpose, they can help you in saving a good amount of investments for your business. The infrastructure cost will tense to zero and the other costs will decrease drastically up to 60 to 70% depending upon the currency difference between yours and that of the web development farm.

They can assist you in every possible way: Well, once you hire a PHP team from a reliable software farm, they will take all the responsibility for your application development. Well, they have experts in PHP to foresee any unexpected situation from before so that it can help you in avoiding those situations. Moreover, if that type of complex situation arises, they have the potential to tackle it efficiently. Their expertise and experience will help your application to be under safe position. To add this, their suggestions will work like a boon and it will definitely help you to come out from any unfavourable situation. They can also assist you in many possible ways so that you can get some useful tips that can help you in growing your business.

No fear for support: When you are choosing a reliable PHP development company for your next project, we need not to worry about the support. They will provide you all the industry standard support facility to your application. Moreover, they will not only work for your prestige and reputation in the industry; but at the same time, they will also work hard to save their market value in the industry. They are always quality hunger so that they can get different Certifications on quality service provider in the industry. So, they will work day and night for the same purpose.

You can get in touch with a PHP development company who can help you build web projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide PHP development services. If you would like to hire PHP developers for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Ensuring better data management by integrating MySQL with PHP

The combination of PHP as well as MySQL proves to be powerful when it comes to creating dynamic webpages. Such webpages help in interacting with your visitors better. On the other hand, HTML can help to create well formatted and useful webpages. Data can also be collected from the users or created from specific content that is on the fly. There are many things that PHP and MySQL combination can do that HTML alone cannot.

php application development

About MySQL

This is one of the most popular as well as widely used open source databases. It offers considerable easiness while using and great amount of reliability. Moreover, there are no costs associated with using this relationable database. In addition, there are several documentations that are available for free. The community created around it is impressive as well as numerous programmers share their codes that are helpful in communicating with this type of database.

About PHP

It is a widely used programming language that has to be used along with HTML. The USP of this langiage is that this can be used directly within the existing HTML content. Besides, the HTML tags can also be included within your custom PHP development coding. While learning PHP there is no need to give up all that you need to know about HTML rather you are simply adding more functions to the existing ones. This is a scripting langauge wherein HTML might be embedded. As a result this langauge is able to execute a number of functions like printing data, work on the numeric calculations as well as create simpel boolean options.

How can these two work together?

Both of them complement each other. PHP is able to collect information while the relational database stores the same data. The former might also develop dynamic calculations while the database will offer with variables that it requires. Similarly this langauge is used to develop a shopping cart for a particular webstore while MySQL is sused to keep all the information like demand receipts, order status and other product related data.

Although both of them are able to also function separately but when the programmers combine them, it opens up a host of new opportunities. With the internet developing bit by bit each day, it is important to deliver more and more dynamic content in order to keep up with the rising demands of the web surfers. The customers are looking for the desired data to be delivered to tham instantly. This is where data has to be managed wisely. To meet this end both MySQL and PHP could be combined.

The scripting language is the final doorway to the database. It works as a sort of midlle man who is armed with several technologies and can transfer the data as required. The programmers, thus, are able to combine these technologies to offer a better user experience to the visitors.

We provide PHP application development services. If you would like hire a certified PHP developer for your web development needs, please visit Mindfire Solutions.

Zend Framework – Is it the best that PHP has till date?

In the present times, having a strong presence on the web is mandatory for every business to be successful in their ventures. In the midst of technological revolution, web development has become very important. The role of internet in enhancing the business prospects cannot be undermined. Organizations are now aware of the need to harness the power of the internet by building a strong website that goes a long way in providing the firm with an important mode of communication with customers besides imparting an online identity to the same.

PHP development services

Zend framework stands out as one of the most popular and strong frameworks that PHP provides to its users. It is based on the common design pattern of Model View Controller (MVC). It is an open source framework that is used for developing web applications and services. Often referred to as the best framework that PHP has to offer, Zend comes with a simple as well as a unique structure of its components that is less reliant on one another. Therefore, it has the potential to help developers in making individual use of each component.

The features that are loaded in Zend add another dimension to web development while taking it to the next level. The flexible architecture facilitates building of interactive web services and applications without exerting any extra effort. There are several factors that contribute in making Zend as one of the best frameworks that PHP has to offer till date.

Loosely coupled components

With the loosely coupled components, it becomes easier for the developer to change a particular component without affecting others. The data model, application logic as well as UI are all separated from one another which lead to the components undergoing minor changes when one of them is altered. This proves to be highly beneficial not only during working on the project but also in future.

MVC Components

Each object in its library is entirely object oriented and comply with the E_STRICT set standards. Moreover, owing to the loosely connected or coupled components in the MVC, there is minimal interdependency that leads to easy building of web apps that are customized with the help of the web services of Zend PHP.

Basically, Zend framework has been created for building strong web 2.0 applications and services. Thus, it is capable of providing unparalleled dependability along with excellent security.

Model View Controller framework

The modular Model View Controller framework of Zend helps in separating user interface from business logic. This goes a long way in certifying that Zend stands as the best framework so far with respect to the development of web applications.

Supports various databases

Another stronghold for this framework is that it supports different database systems as well as vendors, such as, Maria DB, MySQL, SQL Server, Post GreSQL, IBM DB2 and SQLite.

High performance

As compared to other frameworks of PHP, Zend offers to its users with a high performance as well as a strong MVC implementation along with a database that is abstract and simple to be used with respect to development of PHP Zend. This makes it easy for web developers to promote the best practices related to PHP community. In this regard, it is important to note that Presentation logic is kept separately from core Application logic which results in simultaneous completion of the application.


A large number of support communities promoting active development as well as hundreds of APIs are associated with the detailed documentation of the same for fulfilling various Functional, Technical and Business requirements.


With respect to vastness, Zend is unparalleled. There are 64 components while writing in Zend framework and to add further the number is in steady growth. This makes the framework take the form of a vast and huge library.


From the perspective of quality, the framework is highly active as it pays much focus to the code’s quality. It, thus, follows the best practices of the industry. It makes adequate use of design patterns that are object oriented. The components in it can be extended and are tested through PHPUnit. Moreover, with the help of a continuous integrating server, it offers the provision for a testing component.


Organizations find the protection of their code easier with the help of the Zend Framework License and the BSD License. The open source framework of PHP leads businesses to have absolute control on their code. Subsequently, this leads to the protection of the right to intellectual property and security of the same.

Zend has, thus, been of sound help to developers across the globe with enough features, security options along with other protective tools in order to meet the requirement of both small as well as large business organizations. With several readymade solutions to offer to the developers, the Zend framework significantly reduces the time consumed in making new developments. You can hire developers from a PHP development company, who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide custom PHP development services. If you would like to hire PHP developer for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions

Symfony framework for developers – Is it good for development?

There are a number of frameworks that are available in the market today which the developers can use to create applications at a faster pace. Symfony is one such framework that can be used to achieve this end. However, the developers are mostly unaware of its benefits that can be utilized well in developing effective solutions.

PHP development

Faster and requires less memory

This is one of the benefits owing to which the developers should prefer Symfony2. From the very start it was conceived as a framework that would be fast and deliver highly effective performance. Besides delivering faster solutions, Symfony also demands less memory space.


The flexibility that it offers is outstanding. No matter what the developers require, Symfony can be adapted for all kinds of requirements. The dependency injector and Event Dispatcher enable it to be completely configurable where each of the bricks is entirely independent. Thus, a developer can build the framework depending on the functionalities required. Secondly, it can also be used to develop a particular functionality in a project. There is no need to develop anything or install the whole network. All the developers need is a single brick. Permanence is another factor why it is used. The company that offers Symfony is its biggest support. In addition, an impressive community has also developed around it along with various service companies investing in the framework.


Right from the smallest brick to a whole core – herein everything is presented as a bundle or plug-in. each of this bundle is expected to add a separate functionality. These can also be reused in another project or be allowed to be shared with the rest of the community. These bundles help in altering everything within the framework. This also includes the core. Without any need for an entire configuration, the behavior of the framework can be altered.

Pro-testing framework

For unit testing this is one of the most suitable tools. It is testing-prone which makes it quite easy for isolating classes, mocking objects and injecting stub dependencies.

Perfect for complicated web applications

There is an extensive cache system in Symfony. This is easy to configure for both a new user and a PHP expert. What is important here is to decide about the size of the project. If you are developing a project of 10 pages, there is no need to employ a framework. But for the complex web applications, using PHP is not adequate. In this regard, the Symfony would be of great use.

Stable and Sustainable

Most of the major versions of this framework are supported for a span of 3 years by the company that develops it. As far as security related issues are concerned, it gets lifelong support from the parent company. To ensure better security, there are minor versions available which ensure that the API is defined by public interfaces.

Provides a comfort level

It is a functional environment that also guarantees a comfort level to the developers. By dealing with various erroneous tasks, it allows the developers to shift their focus on the actual issues within the application and authenticate their roles and enhance the productivity. The Web Debug Toolbar simplifies the development process. This also helps the development environments, native security and detailed error pages.

Easy to use

Being accessible and tremendously flexible, it even allows the beginners to feel comfortable.

Innovation is the key

Symfony is always endeavoring to bring newness to PHP. In fact, it was the first major framework to accept PHP 5.3. It also introduced the use of Dependency Injection container and the usage of Twig. The latter was later adopted by the primary CMS-es, including, Drupal and eZpublish.

Owing to such benefits it has developed as a framework that is being widely used to build major websites. There are several well reputed companies that have adopted Symfony for building solutions. You can hire developers from custom PHP development company, who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide PHP application development services. If you would like to hire PHP developers for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Some New Features in PHP 5.4 that Needs To Be Listed

The new version, 5.4 of PHP has finally arrived, and it comes up with a string of new features that is extremely important for the developers to know or need to have a grip on. While there are features that have already been there in PHP, and have only been further developed, there are certain features that have been added afresh.

PHP development


This is one of the most significant features of the version 5.4, which consists of code fragments or a set or string of methods, which can be used repeatedly across the classes horizontally. In case of other languages, mixins or multiple inheritances address this particular issue. However, traits do not offer states in forms of properties. It offers a copy and paste method that is assisted by interpreter. Moreover, traits come up with a unique conflict resolution mechanism. Besides, the multiple traits can be used in the same class, even if certain methods are overlapping.

Improved Arrays though syntax and dereferencing

Arrays act like super glue In PHP. They are one of the strongest as well as the longest constructs. As a result of this, shorter syntaxes can also be used in the new version for defining in associative as well as numerical way. The structure of the syntax introduces brackets as short-hand, which has properly been defined and included in PHP scripts.

HTTP Server that is built-in

It also comes up with an in-built HTTP Server for current directories, for the purpose of testing as well as development. Then there are a number of additional options, which include customer document root as well as a router script that can be called upon each request.

Built-in Web Server (CLI)

CLI Server is not designed or developed to be used as a production Web server. It is basically used for conducting some of the PHP regression tests as well as other mechanisms of unit testing. In version 4.5, it comes up with some interesting as well as useful features for daily code debugging jobs that are conducted from the command line.


The latest version of PHP does not have a few of the older features such has the Magic Quotes option, which are either modified in the new version or have been dropped altogether. Again, the PHP namespace is now exclusively reserved to deal with the native code. The E_STRICT errors, which cover the correct usage of the object-oriented constructs as well as deprecation warning, are now covered by E_ALL error reporting, which will point out to each and every error, notice or warning.

Other changes and improvements

PHP version 5.4 has also seen some other minor, not so revolutionary, yet handy improvements that the developers will appreciate at the end of the day.

The latest edition has the ability of disabling the processing of POST data for saving memory CPU cycles. In case this property is activated, it is still possible to go and read the raw data through the input stream path.

JsonSerializable Interface has been introduced and this will help making an object acceptable to the json_encode().

Other improvements include:

Added callable typehint, which provides a function name, an array, composed of an object or a classname, a closure, and a method name, for a definite string.

Added Closure rebinding as parameter to bindTo

This particular feature has been modified so much so that it will now accept any other type of argument, which will define a new scope. This can well be an object in case its class is used as class name or a scope.

Improvement in Memory and Performance

Besides, there are quite a number of internal structures that have either been contracted or have been altogether been eliminated and this has led to almost 20 to 50 per cent memory savings in the larger applications. This has also bettered the performance by 10 to 30 percent, though a series of optimizations that include inlining of various common paths of codes. You can hire PHP developers from PHP development company for your web development needs, who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide custom PHP development services. If you would like to hire developers or would like to discuss with our developers about your projects, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Symfony – A Weapon for PHP Developers

As a server-side scripting language, PHP is used widely by developers for creating a wide variety of websites and web applications. Some programmers prefer mixing PHP code with HTML code, whereas others combine PHP code with different web development frameworks and templating engines. But most web developers use Symfony to rapidly create large and complex PHP applications. As a leading PHP framework, Symfony makes it easier for developers to curtail the both development time and efforts. At the same time, the innovative features of Symfony make it a powerful weapon for PHP developers.

PHP development services

Features that Make Symfony a Powerful Weapon for PHP Developers

Easy to Use and Configure

Symfony is compatible with most platforms, infrastructures and business libraries. So it can be used for creating PHP applications for clients belonging to different sectors. However, the framework is still easy to use and configure. The programmers have option to start development simply by configuring certain things in the application. Unlike other PHP frameworks, Symfony can be configured without requiring any extra time and efforts.

Fast and Saves Memory

Symfony2 is designed with strong emphasis on performance and speed. So it is much faster than other frameworks like Zend Framework 1.10 and Symfony 1.4. At the same time, Symfony can work efficiently without taking much memory. So the programmers can use the PHP framework without investing in expensive hardware and memory devices.


Symfony enables developers to add new bundles to the framework through bundles. They also have option to present all aspects of the application as bundles. Thus, the system of bundles allows all aspects of Symfony modifiable. Also, the bundles can be reused for multiple projects, and be shared with the Symfony community. The bundles make it easier for programmers to control the framework’s behavior without complete reconfiguration.

Extensive Cache System

Symfony2 also comes with an extensive cache system. The cache system can be used to optimize the performance of websites and internet applications. The extensive cache further makes it easier for developers to easily optimize the performance of large applications.

Supports MVC Architecture

Despite being a powerful scripting language, PHP cannot be used exclusively for creating complex web applications. But Symfony makes it easier for programmers to create large and complex application by using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. The MVC patterns enables programmers to keep the business logic, presentation and controls separate. So the large projects can be developed in a distributed environment. The MVC architecture further makes it easier for developers to maintain and modify their code.

Generates Reusable and Testable Code

Unlike other PHP frameworks, Symfony is effective in producing reusable and testable code. The developers can simply create plug-ins and use them to add new functionalities to the application. The plug-ins can also be reused from several projects. Likewise, Symfony improves the application’s performance by delivering testable code. Symfony also provides built-in unit and functional testing framework to facilitate test-driven development.

Command-Line Interface and Tools

Symfony also allows programmers to use a command-line interface. The command-line interface makes it easier for developers to automate the deployment of applications between two web servers. Symfony also allows programmers to access a wide range of command line tools to effectuate project management and administration. For instance, they can use the in-built form generator to automate the repopulation and validation of forms. Likewise, the administrator can track the application’s activities by using the logging features provided by the PHP framework.

Despite being a leading custom PHP development framework, Symfony is open source and free. So the programmers can use the web application development framework without incurring any additional expenses. Further, they can avail the assistance of huge community of Symfony fans to easily enhance the application’s functionality and performance.

We provide PHP development services. If you would like to hire PHP programmer for your web development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions.

PHP 5.6.0 – Changes in this PHP version

Frankly speaking, it almost certainly goes without much of saying, that in order to make a particular business website interactive, compelling, safe, and secure, PHP is the best bet. This is one language that comes up with a string of specific characteristics, which makes the website in question, more effective, as well as efficient that makes the difference in attracting new customers and retaining them for a considerable period of time. In fact, here is one language that is the best, the most stable, user-friendly, and cost effective when we speak about creating as well as designing a website.

php web development services

PHP, the server-side language that is used for scripting is particularly designed to facilitate web development can also be termed as a general language for programming. Over the years, the language has seen a series of changes as well as improvements. One of the latest in the series is PHP 5.6.0 that has come up with a string of value added features along with a number of backward incompatible changes as well as improvements from the earlier versions.

This new PHP version comes up with Constant Scalar expressions along with a series of variadic functions as well as syntaxes for unpacking argument. This version also features Exponentiation operator, which is nothing but a conventional arithmetic operator that returns various float values if the pair of operarands turns out to be integers, or in any case the strings that are transformed into integers and the numbers are divisible evenly. However, in this case it will return an integer value.

Moreover, the modulus operands are transformed into integers before the processing starts, mainly through a process of getting rid of the decimal part. The new version also comes up with the constants and functional imports with the use of proper keywords. Then there is phpdbg, which will act as a customary interactive as well as integrated debugger Speech Application Programming Interface or SAPI.

This interactive PHP debugger on the other hand is implemented as a typical SAPI module. phpdbg is capable of having a comprehensive control over the domain or environment without having any effect whatsoever, on the performance or functionality of the codes. In fact, phpdbg is an extremely lightweight, user-friendly, and a powerful platform for debugging, which is predominantly stepthrough in approach.

In this new version php://input has become reusable, while $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA has now deprecated. php://input basically is a typical read-only stream that is designated to allow the users go through the raw data from a request body. When it comes to POST requests, php://input should be preferably used rather than $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA. This is mainly because it is not dependant on the special directives of php.ini. PHP 5.6.0 also comes up with GMP objects that are equipped to support operator loading mechanism, which in turn helps files that occupy more than 2 GB space to be accepted. Apart from all these, the new PHP edition also has incorporated certain changes that have affected compatibility in a great way.

In the new version, the array keys do not need to be overwritten, when it comes to defining arrays as property of a definite class, through literally any array. In this version, the json_decode() is much stricter when it comes to parsing of JSON syntax. Also, stream wrappers now are capable of verifying by default, the peer certificates, and the host names while using SSL/TLS. Moreover, the GMP resources in the new version can be classified as objects and the Mcrypt functions in the new edition need valid keys as well as IVs.

So these are the changes that the new avatar of PHP comes up with and which provides the added benefit to the users, apart from the customary benefits that the language offers to the programmers and coders. You can get in touch with a php development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide php website development services. If you would like to hire php developerfor your web development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions.

What Do You Get When You Hire A Certified Engineer For Your Project?

It is highly imperative that the engineers you hire for your projects have proper certification under their belts. The primary objective of hiring certified engineers is optimization of customer satisfaction, reduction of the network downtime, and pushing the service level to a higher extent. Besides, hiring certified professionals for your projects ensures that you are hiring the ones with the best skills and the most extensive experience in the market that is needed to deal with the latest technologies and to bring out the best solutions.

software development services

Such has been the popularity of these professionals that managements all over the world rate these certifications as extremely high and really adore their capacity of validating skills as well as expertise. Moreover, the fact that certifications help confirmation of knowledge as well as skill is another reason why professionals who are certified are believed to have more intense knowledge as well as expertise. Most of the modern managements are of the opinion that these certifications help a lot to confirm the subject matter knowledge as well as the required expertise.


It is also assumed by the managements that the proper certifications are a high or at the most medium priority when it comes to evaluation of the caliber of these professionals during talent acquisition hunt. Truly, certification is the most important eligibility that is considered, besides training as well as experience, when it comes to selection of a candidate for a particular profile.


When seen from a nontechnical perspective, certification is not a parameter that has to be implemented for any social benefit. The very term, ‘certification’ denotes an array of fresh as well as talented professionals, vying to give their best in the professional world.


A licensed engineer will have the capacity as well as a proper knowledge to prepare, seal, sign, as well as submit plans or projects for an approval by the higher authority. Hence, with each and every passing day, companies, government agencies, private or public institutions, educational institutions and the likes are hiring professional certified engineers and the trend is likely to continue in the days to come.


Truly, from the perspective of the engineers irrespective of the extent of experience the professional has, it is imperative that he/she has a professional certification to his/her credit to be truly successful as an engineer.


Certification leads to dual benefits – while on one hand it helps the professionals, on the other hand it also helps organizations they are working for. Many of the certification courses come up with multiple curriculums, each of which is designed to increase the level of leadership and expertise of the individuals, accomplishments, as well as experience.


These certifications are extremely vital for the engineers, including the software developers. Companies tend to hire these professionals as they always look to vouch for the ones with strong technical background, and a valid certification proves that the concerned professionals have all these abilities. This, in fact, turns out to be beneficial for the companies, especially when it comes to designing or developing software systems on multiple platforms.


So, companies would always vie for engineers who are certified, even if it costs them more. This is to ensure that they get the best professionals who are capable of delivering what is expected of them. With the competition getting more and more cutthroat with every passing day, the key to success of the business players is to come out with the best deliverables as well as solutions in terms of quality along with customer satisfaction. Here is where hiring the certified engineers makes all the difference. In response to this high demand, engineers are also vying for various types of certifications that help in their employment and career in a big way. You can get in touch with a custom software development india companies who can help you develop software applications that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide software development services. If you would like to hire offshore developers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Offshore Web Development – Benefits and Challenges

offshore developersThe practice of outsourcing development or maintenance of various projects has become quite a common trend nowadays. This is mainly done so as to cut the cost of development as well as maintenance, as it is seen that offshore technicians or developers charge much lesser than their local counterparts in web development. However, when we speak of offshore development, the practice has its own advantages as well as disadvantages that need to be addressed at length.


Let us at first deal with the advantages of offshore web development.


Fast development backed by expertise

In majority of occasions, web development is outsourced to those vendors who are specialized in this field. These vendors are not only pretty experienced, but are properly equipped with specific equipment and are rich with high level technical expertise that at times surpass the one that is available to the outsourcing business. This results in faster as well as hassle free development with a much better output.


This helps to concentrate on the core processes instead of the supporting and ancillary processes

Once the supporting or ancillary processes are outsourced, there is no need to deal with them anymore. Thus, it becomes possible to deal with the core processes and strengthen the process to a considerable extent.


Sharing of Risk

One of the most vital factors that determine the outcome or the end result of a particular campaign is analysis of risk. Outsourcing certain ancillary components of a projects helps businesses to transfer some of the responsibilities to the offshore vendor(s). As these vendors are generally specialized and have a lot of experience under their belt, they are in a better position so far as risk management is concerned.


Reduced Operational as well as Recruitment Cost

Once businesses start outsourcing projects, they are in no need to hire professionals for in-house operations. Naturally, this drastically reduces the operational as well as recruitment cost to a large extent. This is in fact one of the most important advantages of offshore outsourcing.


Let us now discuss with some of the challenges or shortcomings that are associated with outsourcing.


Lack of appropriate skills

Offshore centers of development are generally mass production centers, which take up projects from various sources from all over the world simultaneously. Thus, the presence of too many projects results in mass production and this may at times turn the production sloppy and lackluster. Also, on certain occasions the developers lack the appropriate skills to develop projects with the required finesse, thus hampering the quality of the end products to a considerable extent.


Details of the projects

At times it may so happen that the offshore development companies look forward to just complete the projects by hook or by crook without even looking into the details of the technicalities properly. Thus, they often have the tendency of underestimating the time that is needed to complete the projects, which in the long run not only increases the cost of production by overshooting deadlines, but also hampers the quality to a great extent.


Lack of legal power

As on most of the occasions the offshore vendors are located in different countries, the outsourcing companies do not have any control on what is being sold, against what were purposed or proposed. Besides, if there is any instance of breach of contract or if the vendor companies fiddle with sensitive and confidential information, there is hardly anything that the outsourcing companies can do from the legal point of view. Also, due to distance and other issues, it does not make any sense of carrying any legal battle with the vendors.


Cultural and language issues

This is one of the most significant challenges in outsourcing web development projects. The vendor companies to which the projects are outsourced are generally located in non English speaking countries. As such, the projects are often plagued by misinterpretation of briefing due to language problem resulting in altered results along with not-up-to-the-mark quality. Moreover, the cultural differences at times lead to misinterpretation of certain terms and terminology that affects the end product to a considerable extent. You can hire web developers from custom software development India companies, who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide web development services. If you would like to hire offshore developers from web application development India service provider, please contact Mindfire Soltutions.