Modern Web Apps in ASP.Net – How good is it?

Since its initial release in January 2002, ASP.Net is being used by developers across the world to create a wide variety of websites, web application and web services. Microsoft has further made both .Net framework and ASP.Net open source. So now the server-side web development framework can also be used by both small businesses and startups. The enterprises will still evaluate the effectiveness of ASP.Net in creating modern web applications. However, a number of reports have already highlighted why ASP.Net can be used effectively for creating modern and user-friendly internet apps. development

Why Enterprises Prefer ASP.Net for Creating Modern Web Applications?

Loads of Controls

While creating complex and mission critical web applications, developers have to write longer lines of code. But ASP.Net developers can use a variety of predefined controls to avoid writing additional code. They have option to use HTML server controls, web server controls, validation server controls and data bound controls. They can make several HTML tags programmable simply by adding the runat=”server” attribute. Likewise, the ASP.Net controls are tags that are identified and understood by the server. At the same time, the data bound controls can be used to retrieve and present data in a more efficient way. These controls help programmers in enhancing the look, feel and performance of the internet app without writing lengthy code.

Option to Create Custom and User Controls

Along with using the predefined ASP.Net controls, programmers also have option to create custom and user controls. They can encapsulate and register specific sections of a web page, and use them as user controls. Similarly, they can also create custom controls that can be used across multiple web apps and Visual Studio projects. As modern web apps are required to deliver personalized user experience, these controls are useful for keeping the users engaged.

Improve the App’s Performance

In comparison to other server-side scripting languages, ASP.Net is more effective in increasing the application’s performance. The Cache object provided by the framework can be used for storing data for a specific amount of time. Also, the Cache object can be shared across multiple applications. While being compiled for the first time, the server side code is added to the DLL files or assemblies on the web server. The DLL or assemblies contain Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) that run within common language runtime. So the performance of the ASP.Net application is boosted without putting any extra effort.

Several Extension Frameworks

Microsoft has further released a set of extension frameworks to extend the functionality of ASP.Net. So the web programmers have option to extend the performance of ASP.Net by plugging AJAX, MVC framework, Dynamic Data, Razor View Engine and Web API. ASP.Net AJAX helps programmers in enhancing the performance of a web page by adding AJAX functionality to both client-side and server-side components. ASP.Net framework facilitates development of large application by keeping the business logic and presentation separate. ASP.Net Dynamic Engine can be used by developers to create data-driven applications. ASP.Net Web API makes it easier for programmers to expose web services to a wide range of devices.

Enhanced Cyber Security

ASP.Net further helps programmers in creating secure web applications. The developers can use several ASP.Net validation server controls to validate the user input against a specific value or range of values. If the value entered by the user does not pass the validation, the control will display him an error message. At the same time, the programmers can also use ASP.Net Identity 2.0 to effectively handle the complex authentication and authorization of modern internet apps. As ASP.Net Identity 2.0 supports two-factor authentication, the enterprises can allow users to access their application only by entering the code sent to them through SMS or email. Also, the user account can be blocked temporarily to protect the internet application from all types of cyber criminals.

Microsoft has already revealed its plan to re-implement ASP.NET development as a cross-platform, modular and modern web application development framework. The project called ASP.NET vNext will merge Web Pages, Web API and MVC. The unified MVC 6 provided by the next generation of ASP.Net will make it easier for programmers to make large and complex internet apps more user-friendly.

We provide ASP.NET web development services. If you would like hire expert ASP.NET developers for your development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions

Few Reasons Why Customers prefer ASP.Net for Their Software Development

ASP.Net, the open source server side application framework that is exclusively designed for development and production of dynamic web pages has earned a lot of accolades from all quarters, thanks to a number of reasons. It is for these reasons that the framework today is preferred by the majority of the customers, when it comes to software development. development

Technically speaking, this application framework has brought in a sea change in the process of application development. The framework, with the use of various compiled languages like VB, C# and the likes, has come up with a wide range of options for the developers and programmers to choose from, when it comes to developing rich and dynamic websites as well as applications with optimal perfection in a seamless manner and that also in a jiffy. Thus, today ASP.Net has become an inseparable part of the software development fraternity.

Frankly speaking, the framework not only deals with languages, but it also allows the user to take the fullest advantage of various .Net languages like VB, C#, J# and so on. ASP.Net also makes sure that the developers, with the aid of the visual studio is able to come up with compelling as well as innovative applications that will lure the customers. It is an entirely server-side technology that was primarily introduced for adding a dynamic tinge to the static sites. It also makes sure that the sites are able to automatically update without the need of any manual intervention. All the top class modern websites are developed using ASP.Net nowadays, and these sites have immensely benefited from this application framework.

There are a number of points that has made the framework far superior than the other models that are used for website development. The most important of them is the fact that it drastically reduces the amount of code needed for designing larger applications. Thus, it helps greatly in time saving. That saved time can be channelized to other activities that may result in increased profit.

Let us now look into some of the other advantages that have made it, the most preferred application framework for software development.

  1. Besides radically reducing the volume of code needed to develop larger applications, it also helps to authenticate the built-in Windows along with the application wise configuration, and thus makes sure that the applications are absolutely safe as well as secured.

  2. It helps to improve the performance, by taking the benefit of early binding, perfectly times applications, native optimization, as well as various innovative service caching.

  3. The framework is supported by a rich designer application along with a toolbox that helps Visual Studio is a great way

  4. It also facilitates WYSIWYG editing, provides the option of automatic deployment, drag-and-drop controls of the server. These are some of the most powerful tools that are responsible for the popularity of the framework.

  5. The pages created with the help of ASP.Net are extremely easy to maintain as well as write due to the twin presence of source code and HTML. Also, it is on the server where the source code is executed. This particular property lends a lot of flexibility as well as power to the web pages.

  6. The runtime monitor that the framework comes up with, manages each and every process meticulously. This ensures that even if a process dies, it can be quickly replaced by a new one. This plays an important role in keeping an application available for handling requests without any interruption.

  7. It is entirely a server-side technology and hence the code thereof at first executes itself on server, and then it is transferred to the respective browser.

  8. Again, since it is based on server-side technology, it also offers the option of choosing a language that is the fittest to be used in a particular application. It also helps in partitioning the applications across multiple languages.

  9. Deployment of ASP.Net is extremely easy. Registration of components is not required as it comes with an in-built configuration information

  10. The web server carries out continuous monitoring of the pages, applications as well as the components that are running on it. The moment it picks up any issue like leakage of memory, presence of infinite loop, various illegal activities, it instantaneously terminates those activities and restarts itself.

So, in the nutshell ASP.Net, which is also regarded as the next generation of MS ASP, is an astounding framework that is used to seamlessly create various enterprise-class sites, different types of web applications as well as technologies. Hence, irrespective of the scale of business, this server-side application framework comes up with all the necessary features that can possibly be used for designing dynamic web pages. This is the reason it is so much adored by the customers these days. Also, the fact that it is open source and hence is free has also helped its cause in a great way. You can get in touch with a custom .Net development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide .NET application development services. If you would like to hire .NET developers India for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

ASP.Net Web API and Identity 2.0 – Things to Know About

Microsoft recently converted .Net into a cross-platform programming platform by making it available to Linux and Mac OS users. As an open source web development platform, ASP.Net now can be used by enterprises and programmers regardless of their choice of operating system. Microsoft further frequently adds new features and capabilities to ASP.Net to help developers in rapidly creating applications for a wide range of devices. web development

Microsoft has designed ASP.Net web API as a dynamic framework for creating web APIs by availing the advantages of .Net Framework. Likewise, ASP.Net Identity can be used as a minimal API to manage the security and authentication public-facing ASP.Net applications. These APIs make it easier for web developers to enhance the performance and security of websites and internet applications created using ASP.Net.


As a simple and flexible protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) serves up a wide variety of web pages. It is also used widely for collaborative and distributed information systems. But HTTP can also be used as an effective platform to create APIs that expose a various data and services. As each operating system, web browser and other platforms have HTTP libraries, the services and data can be conveyed to a wide range of clients by using the APIs developed on it.

Microsoft has designed ASP.Net Web development API as a Framework to create build different web APIs by leveraging the power of .Net Framework. The programmers can use Web API to create RESTful applications on top of .Net Framework. The Web API further makes it easier for programmers to create HTTP services that can be conveyed to desktop applications, web browsers, mobile devices and other clients.

Microsoft has packaged the Web API with ASP.Net MVC by default. However, the programmers still have option to use the Web API in traditional ASP.Net Web Forms applications. The developers can further use the ASP.Net Web API to create web services without using SOAP. The API allows them to create HTTP services on top of the existing WCF message pipeline. Microsoft has already shared a list of Web APIs to illustrate their different features.

ASP.Net Identity 2.0

As the name indicates ASP.Net Identity 2.0 is the updated version of ASP.NET membership system. Microsoft introduced the membership system with ASP.Net 2.0 in 2005. With passage of time, ASP.Net Identify became ineffective in handing complex authentication and authorization of modern websites and internet applications. So Microsoft released the version 2.0 of ASP.NET membership system with several new features and improvements.

The final version of ASP.NET Identity 2.0 was released by Microsoft in March 2014. It came with a set of new features including two-factor authentication support, account lockout, account confirmation and security stamp. Nowadays, users access websites and web applications on a various devices. But often their choice password fails to keep the user accounts secure and inaccessible. The two-factor authentication supported by the ASP.Net Identity 2.0 will provide additional security to the user accounts by sending codes through emails or SMS. Each time the user wants to access his account, he has to provide the code along with login id and password.

The programmers can optimize the security of applications by blocking the user account temporarily whenever a user enters password or two-factor codes incorrectly. The Identity 2.0 allows developers to configure the number of login attempts or time span for blocking the user account. At the same time, the user will also have option to reset the password in case he has forgotten the same. Each time a user changes his password, the ASP.Net Identity will remove all associated login by regenerating security stamps.

Both ASP.Net Web API 2 and Identity 2.0 can be used to optimize the performance and security of a wide range of websites and web applications. As ASP.Net has become a cross-platform web development platform, these APIs can now be availed by developers using Windows, Linux and Mac.

We provide application development services. If you would like to hire expert developers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Improve website performance, scalability and save money – ASP.Net

ASP.Net, a server-side script, helps in delivering database driven and dynamic content by applying minimal effort to the clients. But this is not the only reason why it is used so widely by the developers. There are several techniques and tools which can be conveniently employed to improve the performance and scalability of the website. At the same time, ASP.Net is also a cost effective method to achieve these ends. web development

Measurement of time

In order to optimize the performance of any website it is important to find out where maximum time is spent on a website. A free tool called Fiddler can be used to achieve this end. It has a timeline feature that stores all the requests made on a website and how long each of them took. If you want you can also save an archive before further performance improvements can be added. Besides this, there is another tool, Keynote, which can also be used to measure the performance of a website. There are agents throughout the Internet which collect performance report at various intervals of the day. These reports can then be compared with the other primary Internet retailers to review the performance.

Http Compression

This is another way to improve the performance of the website. ASP.Net includes this technique to reduce bandwidth usage as well as increase the pace of loading for the webpages. This concept is quite similar to the way one generally compresses files on the system to save spaces. The IIS web servers are capable to compress both dynamic and static files by using the HTTP Compression component that is found in the web.config file. In this regard, it is important to note that smaller files are delivered at a greater speed on the Internet.

Minimizing and Consolidating

Minification is a process through which the file sizes can be reduced significantly. The contemporary websites mostly have various kinds of JavaScript and CSS files. Browsers generally have limited connections to the web server. As a result, the time taken to download all the files is quite long. Tools, like, YUI Compressor and AjaxMinifier help in minimizing. These files can then be also consolidated into a single file (or couple of files). This way the browser just needs to make a single request to the web server to get them.

Use of Browser Cache

This factor hugely improves the performance of a website. There are local cache locations in the browsers where copies of CSS, JavaScript and image files are stored from various websites. These default files stored here cannot be used next time a browser visits the website. When the browser downloads the same page again, he will find it already existing but cannot decide whether the information is updated. Hence, the web server must be contacted every time for a file and check whether the file is fresh. This takes a long time. To solve this issue the option is to take the help of expirations.

Data cache

ASP.Net is known for providing Cache objects that are impressive for storing data on the web server. It checks the database just once in a day and keeps the results appearing the Cache object. This enables the webpages to load faster and they also do not require waiting for the database response any longer.

Use CSS for indexing

This is another effective way for decreasing the number of requests required to get a page. This can be achieved by amalgamating a number of small image files into a larger file and ten make use of the CSS to index the larger image. As a result the individual images required for a webpage can be seen. There are several tools which can perform this task. They also the CSS styles needed to access every image.

Tools to test performance

Google Page speed and YSlow are tools which can be utilized to derive recommendations for improving the performance. These tools are quite effective in suggesting exactly which alterations should be made to ensure success.

Cost effective ownership

This is another USP of ASP.Net although it affects the owner of the website instead of the developer. Finding dot Net developers is not a big deal. The customers mostly opt for ASP.NET as it is cheaper and support for it is also easily available.

Owing to such advantages the ASP.Net open source server side framework is preferred to develop web applications when compared to the other frameworks. You can get in touch with a custom web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide .net development services. If you would like to hire .net developers India for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Why is .Net considered helpful for robust app development?

Thanks to Microsoft, personal computers have become a common staple in the regular lives of all people. The various development platforms as well as software have brought on a technological revolution. ASP.NET framework is one of those creations that have managed to change the manner of software development. Application development has got a brand new approach through this which is a great server-side scripting tool. The amazing feature of .Net framework is that it is not just limited to ASP but developers have full freedom to use other programming languages as well. Some of the reasons for using .Net for robust app development are discussed here.

.net development

Decentralized components registration- When components are registered centrally, a lot of problems may arise which is reduced in .Net since the component registration is not done using Registry. Instead all information related to components is stored with the code, retrieving all the information directly from files during runtime. During instantiating of a new component, there is a scanning of application directory along with several predefined locations of the component. After locating the component, all related information is cached in case you need in the future. Through this the applications seldom interfere with each other.


Code execution side-by-side- The code can be executed side-by-side in .Net which helps in resolving of versioning problems. When multiple versions of some component is allowed to be installed as well as run simultaneously on one computer, an overwriting problem in shared component arises which can be solved by this feature. Thus there is no need for developers to look for backward compatibility since different versions of one shared component can be used by different applications. The dependencies between various software components and version can be specified by the developers.


Reduced marketing time- Through this framework existing applications, IT skills and developer skills can be leveraged by a business so that the infrastructure can be build faster. The runtime capabilities are deep which enables the transformation of existing apps into XML web services without the need of recompiling or rewriting.


Smooth application architecture- XML Web services act as native communication mechanism and agile app architecture is provided both externally as well as internally. This results in a simpler integration of applications across internet or intranet. Integration with applications, customers and even suppliers becomes easy.


Enhanced user experience- Individual users find the entire mobile computing experience to be enhanced and integrated. An assortment of computing hardware like smartphones, pocket PCs, laptops, etc can be used for data integration. Users can thus access information quite easily despite their location. Additionally, XCOPY can be used for installation of .Net applications. The files can be copied from a disk or remote web server on their computers for easy installation of desktop applications. In fact, the apps can be very easily replicated or removed; all you need to do is copy over the files or simply delete them.


Strong security- System administrators are given granular, powerful security control by this framework over apps which take a whole lot of load off the end users. Policies can be set by system administrators so that apps with particular origins or bearing Authenticode publisher signature or specific digital signature will be allowed access to some specific resources. Anything concerning system administrators that include environment variables, app directories, etc can be set with security policies. These security policies can be developed by using an easily usable MMC snap-in, .Net Framework Configuration Tool.


This next generation platform offers developers a lot of help for creation of web applications that are enterprise level. It offers a lot of tools that make the entire process of development of apps really simple; not to mention the security features that come in-built which does not need any additional concerns. In fact, it even has editor tool which might be used at a later stage of development, making it a much-loved framework to be used for robust app development.


You can get in touch with a application development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide .net development services. If you would like to hire developers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

ASP.Net vNext – How Good is the Framework?

As a powerful and popular web development framework, ASP.Net does not require any introduction. Despite being much simpler and user-friendly for programmers, ASP.Net still requires system administrators to put extra time and effort to fix the configuration and version issues. Microsoft recently announced ASP.NET vNext, a major iteration to the .Net framework that is rebuilt from the scratch to overcome these issues.

.net application development services

The next version of ASP.Net enables developers to create, deploy and maintain cloud-based applications through a unified framework. According to ASP.Net, “The next version of ASP.NET (“ASP.NET vNext”) has been redesigned from the ground up. The goal is to create a lean and composable .NET stack for building modern cloud-based apps. You don’t have to use Visual Studio to develop ASP.NET vNext applications. You can develop and run vNext on platforms that Visual Studio doesn’t run on.


Features that Make ASP.Net vNext Distinct and Innovative


Application Contains Own Version of .Net Framework

While creating web application with ASP.Net, developers have to address minor issues related to application packaging and deployment. But ASP.Net vNext comes with improved application deployment and packaging features that help programmers in avoiding installing the complete .Net framework on their servers. While using vNext, the .Net framework will be contained within the application. Along with other libraries, the framework will also be deployed in the bin directory. So each application will contain its own version of .Net framework to run smoothly on local servers and in cloud environment.


A Unified Web Development Framework

ASP.Net allows developers to choose from three distinct frameworks, i.e., Web Pages, Web API and MVC. But vNext comes with a unified framework called MVC 6. The new framework uses a set of abstractions to make it easier for programmers to develop, deploy and maintain their projects. So now web programmers can use MVC 6 to avail these capabilities of three ASP.Net frameworks. Further, MVC 6 is independent of System.Web. The feature makes the unified framework leaner enough to load fasters and consume less memory.


Cloud-Optimized Framework

Microsoft has further optimized ASP.Net vNext to meet the growing demand for mobile and cloud applications. The framework enables developers to create apps that delivers richer user experience across devices, while running seamlessly in both virtual and hardware environments. The programmers have option to use cloud optimized mode as well as the NET native compiler. The cloud optimized mode enables developers to deploy the app along with the required copies of .NET Framework libraries. Thus, the several apps can run side by side, and get updated on a single machine.



ASP.Net vNext further comes with an innovative real-time compiler called Roslyn. As Roslyn compiles the code dynamically, the programmers are not required to create new projects to implement the code changes. They can simply refresh the browser to make the code changes effective. The feature enables them to write code using cloud based IDEs or local editors. Roslyn further provides open source C# and VB.Net compilers that are designed with rich code analysis APIs. These APIs can be used by developers by using the same APIs that Microsoft use to implement Visual Studio.



While creating ASP.Net vNext, the development team has emphasized on cross-platform capabilities. They have added a new feature called Mono to help developers in running their cloud-optimized .NET applications on multiple platforms. Along with Windows, now they have option to run their cloud-optimized .NET applications on Linux or Mac. Also, Mono makes it easier for programmers to run the same application of several platforms without sacrificing any of its features and capabilities. Thus, the web applications can now be hosted on platforms beyond Windows, while delivering efficient and flawless user experience.


With more and more enterprises adopting cloud computing, it has become essential for programmers to rapidly build cloud-based applications. The Visual Studio team has further announced Visual Studio “14” CTP that comes with the features required to support ASP.Net vNext development. So ASP.Net vNext will help programmers in rapidly creating custom cloud-based applications according to specific requirements of clients.You can get in touch with a development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide .net application development services. If you would like to hire programmers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

ASP.Net programming language – A Game changer

ASP stands for Active Server Pages and in this programming, code is written for facilitation of ASP functionality. In this functionality database-driven, dynamic content is delivered to website viewers, without the server-side system being taxed. In this programming both HTML files as well as ASP files are written and the HTML pages are placed with ASP codes which are then enclosed in individual tags. Changing just the ASP files will change the code. Through the programming, scripting can be done on languages such as Jscript, Visual Basic Script, Python, Perl, etc as well. The language has become quite a game changer due to the multitude of benefits that it offers when compared to the others. Some of the benefits that it offers to the developers are discussed here. web development

True Object Oriented Programming or OOP experience- Through the concept of OOP, really large applications can be easily build; at the same time the code is kept structured as well as clean. When compared to other scripting languages which forced developers to write spaghetti code, in this language, code and display are separated from each other. ASP.NET can be told by developers about where objects have to be created, manipulate the look of the controls, what is displayed by them as well as their size.


XML support- XML can be really easy to use for data configuration, manipulation as well as storage. Information which seldom changes can be stored well since the information can be simply cached in the memory of the computer after initial extraction.


Web applications become faster- There are two aspects that contribute towards its speed- caching and compiled code. Through caching information which will be reused is stored in a specific memory location so that faster access can be achieved in future. Programmers can set up areas of pages or simply pages which can be reused commonly for caching in a specified time period so that the web applications perform better. Additionally data is cached from database so that frequent visiting to databases do not slow down the website. Previously, there was an interpretation of code into “machine language” during the viewing of your page. However, with this language the compilation is carried on even before your site is visited by visitors.


Increased development speed- By virtue of this language an application or website can be developed very quickly in comparison to other technologies. There is an assortment of built-in features that help developers design all kinds of custom applications easily.


Rich client-side and server control- There is excellent client-side as well as server control through several features that help in the development of interactive grids, calendars as well as wizards. You can have full control over websites through this. In fact, the control features can be used immediately.


Applications are available constantly- All the processes are closely monitored and managed by ASP.NET runtime which means when one process dies then automatically a new process is begun which keep the application available at all times for the handling of requests.


Ease of maintenance- The server executes source code, offering a huge amount of flexibility to the web pages. On top of that the presence of HTML makes the maintenance as well as editing of the pages really easy.


Security– The best advantage that ASP.NET offers is that there is built-in security that provides support for authorization as well as authentication. There are options as well for implementation with standards like Kerberos, NTLM, etc.


This is just a brief introduction to how the language has become a game changer in the world of development; actually the list of advantages offered by it carries on and on. It can be the ultimate choice for those who want great performance, minimal code but maximum security. On top of that, working on it is not a very complex process, making it the darling among developers.You can get in touch with a web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide .net development services. If you would like to hire .net developers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

How can You Leverage the Power of ASP.Net MVC Platform?

As a lightweight and highly testable web application development framework, ASP.Net MVC is used by developers across the world to create robust applications by implementing the model–view–controller (MVC) pattern. The open source framework further allows developers to avail existing ASP.NET features. It uses interface-based contracts to combine models, views, and controllers seamlessly. web development

Thus, it becomes easier for software QA professionals to test each component independently. The recently released ASP.NET MVC 5.1 also comes with a set of enhanced features to complement the current trends in web application development. Also, you can avail certain features to leverage the power of the latest version of ASP.Net MVC platform.

5 Techniques to Leverage the Power of ASP.Net MVC Platform

1) ASP.Net MVC Scaffolding

Like other MVC frameworks, ASP.Net MVC also allows you to use scaffolding technology to generate code for you database quickly. In addition to generating code for basic database operations like create, read, update and delete (CRUD), you can further use scaffolding to customize and modify the auto-generated code. Scaffolding allows you to create functional data-driven websites rapidly by using several Scaffold templates like page templates, filter templates, field page templates and entity page templates. You can use these templates to generate code basic CRUD operations within the ASP.NET MVC framework.

2) AJAX Helpers

ASP.Net MVC further allows developers to create AJAX enabled elements through AJAX Helpers. You can use the extension methods of AJAXHelper class to create AJAX enabled forms and links. The framework also supports unobtrusive AJAX. So you can use the helper method to define custom AJAX features through different configuration options. At the same time, the properties defined by AjaxOptions class can be used to specify callbacks for various stages of AJAX request life cycle.

3) HTML Helpers

HTML Helper can be defined as a method that returns HTML string. You can use the TML string to represent a variety of content according to your specific needs. For example, the method can also be used to render <img>, <input>, <button> and other standard HTML tags. You also have option to use several types of HTML helpers including inline, built-in, and template HTML helpers. Also, you can render more complex content by creating customized HTML Helpers. For instance, you can create custom HTML Helper to display the data retrieved from database in a tabular format, or render a menu strip.

4) TempData

While using ASP.Net MVC, you have option to pass data from the current request to subsequent request through TempData. The option will make it easier for you to pass data while redirecting from one page to another. However, the lifespan of the option is short, and it will expire once target view is loaded fully. So you have to call the Keep() method to persist data in TempData. The Keep method, however, needs to be called within the current action to keep the value in TempData even after the request is completed.

5) ASP.Net MVC Filters

Often developers have to put extra effort to inject a logic or piece of code before or after executing an action. ASP.NeT MVC makes the process simpler for programmers by allowing them to use custom attributes. The ASP.Net MVC attribute or custom attribute contains the logic or code by implementing filter interface. While developing web application with ASP.Net MVC, you have option to use filters for custom authorization, custom authentication, error handling, data compression and data caching. Based on the requirements of the application, you have option to choose from several types of filters including authentication, authorization, action, result, and exception filters.

It is always important for a developer to decide if ASP.Net MVC is the best option to develop a specific internet application. So you must compare the features of ASP.NET MVC 5.1 according to specific needs of the web application development project to leverage its power more effectively. You can get in touch with a custom .net development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide web development service. If you would like to hire dot net developers for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

New Features In ASP.NET 4.5 Webforms

The new version 4.5 of ASP.NET Web Forms has come up with a string of latest value-added features that are specifically designed as well as developed for superior user experience, that come in handy at the time of working with huge databases.

.net development services

In all the earlier versions of ASP.NET, the users had to use various expressions like Bind() and Eval() while using data-binding for deriving the object member value. However, in case of the latest version, the users will be able to declare the type or class of the control-bound data with the use of the new ItemType property. Once this property is set, the user will be able to use a strong variable for receiving the benefits that Visual Studio features. Some of the benefits include effective member navigation, IntelliSense, compilation-time checking option and so on.

The latest data-bound controlling features also help the users to specify customized methods that may be used to select, update, modify, delete, or insert data, and to simplify the interactions between application logics and page controls. Besides, the latest version also comes up with a latest model binding feature that helps users to map the data directly from the page into the method parameters.

Validation of user input has become much easier in the latest version which helps users to annotate the customized model classes with various attributes of validation from the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace.

The new 4.5 version of the web form also integrates jQuery with the client end validation and that provides a much cleaner as well as more composite client-end codes along with the standard features of JavaScript.

Besides, with the introduction of the new version the area that is designated for requesting validation has seen certain improvements. These new features make it much easier for the users to deactivate the request validations selectively, for certain definite parts of the application. Also, going through the request data that have been invalidated, becomes much easier in the newer version.

The server controls of the new version of the Web Form have undergone significant facelift specifically with a view to take maximum advantage provided by the new HTML5 features.

TextMode Property

TextMode Property of the TextBox control has gone through a major modification for supporting the input types like datetime, email etc that HTML5 features.

FileUpload Control

FileUpload Control of the new version can now support upload of multiple files simultaneously from the browsers that support this unique feature of HTML5.

Improved Validator Controls

Improved Validator Controls of the newer version support validation of the input elements that HTML5 comes up with.

UpdatePanel control

The new UpdatePanel control is specifically designed for supporting posting of the input fields that are customary with HTML5.

Client Side JavaScript APIs

The new version also comes up with the client side JavaScript APIs that can be used for initiating connections, sending and receiving messages to and from the server.

Server Side APIs

ASP.NET 4.5 provides improved APIs that the users can easily use for writing codes that specifically accept the WebSocket request from the clients and upgrade HTTP for receiving WebSocket requests.

Improved features of Request Validation

Request Validation is one of the most significant features that have been incorporated in the new version. The new feature examines all the incoming requests to ensure whether they contain harmful contents or not.

Improved Pocket

The latest avatar comes up with an improved pocket that has two features – Deferred Request Validation and ValidateRequestMode property.

Other features that the latest ASP.NET comes up with include Text Box TextMode properties, that supports increased number of values like datetime and email, and huge number of HTML5 controls that support runat=”server” attribute for supporting the “~” sign when it specifies a particular URL.

Also there is an improved File upload control that supports uploading multiple files. You can get in touch with a custom .net development company who can help you with your .Net software projects.

We provide .net development services. If you would like to hire .net developers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Creating Web API’s and mobile sites with .Net

The ASP.NET Web API framework makes building of HTTP very easy; the services will be able to reach a huge assortment of clients, including both on mobile devices as well as browsers. WebAPI content negotiation ensures data return according to client requests. For example, if the client request is to return data as XML or JSOB, the request type is dealt with the framework, returning the appropriate data according to the media type. This platform is ideal for the building of pure services that are HTTP based. Here HTTP protocol is maintained for the request as well as response. GET, DELETE, PUT and POST request can be made by the client and the appropriate Web API response can be got.

.net development

Just serving webpages is not what HTTP is for. The powerful platform also helps in the building up of APIs which expose data as well as services. HTTP is ubiquitous, simple and flexible. Almost all platforms have HTTP libraries so a wide range of clients can be reached through HTTP services, including conventional desktop applications, browsers as well as mobile devices.

ASP.NET WebAPI can be used for the creation of web API which returns a product list. For display of results, jQuery is used by front-end web page. The Visual Studio should be started and New Project selected from Start page. Alternatively, you can also select New from File menu and then choose Project. Go to Templates pane to choose Installed Templates to expand Visual C# node under which Web should be selected. Choose ASP.NET Web Application in the project templates list. The project should then be named “ProductsApp” and then clicked OK. There will be a dialog box named New ASP.NET development Project in which the Empty template should be selected. Check WebAPI under “Add folders and core references for”. Then click OK. The WebAPI template can also be used for the creation of API project.

There is no substantial difference between developing web pages for desktop browsers and that for mobile device browsers. For the creation of apps for mobile devices, a System.Web.Mobile namespace is provided by .NET which is devoted particularly for mobile app development. Webpage may be created from the base class called MobilePage and then controls may be added from System.Web.Mobile namespace which determines a suite of web server adapters and controls that turn out to be extremely useful during the creation of applications. The apps then should be made available to many various mobile devices like cell phones.

Control adaptive architecture is also provided by .NET, which allows the creation of custom device adapters for web server controls. Custom rendering can be created by the adapters for controls, supported by requesting browser. Adaptive architecture helps in the creation of custom adapters for server controls so specific output can be rendered to particular devices accessing the application on browsers. Standard, event-driven model is followed by development so that the application can respond to button clicks, user requests, etc and this is standard for both mobile devices as well as desktop browsers.

Even existing websites can be embedded with some changes to transform it to a more user-friendly version for mobile devices so that the content can fit the tiny screen, boasting of an efficient as well as clean design. All you need is Mobile browser emulator. However, in case of complex applications, it is best to create different user interfaces that have different flows of UI.

The creation of both web APIs as well as mobile sites are easy processes by virtue of .NET. This free framework not only offers ease of development but is extremely versatile, making it a preferred choice amongst developers.

We provide .net application development services. If you would like to hire dot net developers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.