PHP and its elegant features that controls web development

PHP on its way to success: At a time when the industry was dominated by Java and .Net, PHP had come up to challenge them on the battle. In early stage of its life cycle PHP was not a huge success, but with time, it received tremendous acceptance value in the industry. This is possible due to the continuous learning attitude of PHP. PHP has been undergoing several changes over time to suite the demand of the PHP developer and industry and hence it come out as a gem in the industry. Moreover, at a period when the industry was carving for a better web language, PHP turned out as a boon for the web developers; because web development process through JSP or ASP was damn tedious at that time where as PHP made it easy with its simple approach and write less do more concepts. This brought an overnight popularity of PHP developers in the industry.

PHP development

PHP is a true web domain specific language: PHP can only be used for web application development; it can’t be used to develop desktop application like Java or .Net. So at a time when the industry was dominated by web applications, PHP turned out as a leader of web domain specific language. PHP developer can develop any type of websites on the fly. It can be used for agile web development process to develop enterprise standard web applications for the industry. PHP developers can develop any size of application efficiently in less time and more productivity.

It has an awesome feature i.e. Functions with Arbitrary Number of Arguments: Well, PHP has an awesome feature i.e. we can dynamically set the number of arguments for any function. Let me explain how it can be helpful. Suppose, in our web application, there is a function that needs the user to enter the arguments as per his choice; at that time, the application developer is unaware of the number of arguments that can be sent to the program. So, to handle this issue, we can use the above concept to develop our web application.

PHP is future ready: Yes! PHP is future ready; because it has all the future amenities under the hood. Technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery etc. These technologies can be used to write responsive web applications for different screen size, resolution and platforms so that the user can get similar user experience in all screen sizes. To add this, Cloud technology can be integrated by a PHP developer in the web application. With the integration of Cloud technology, PHP developers can give the users an awesome and hassle free experience without any worry for the memory storage size.

It is Open source along with its best friend MySQL: MySQL is treated as the best friend of PHP. It helps the PHP web developer in developing dynamic and data driven web applications on the fly. The best part is it is open source just like PHP. Hence we can expect an exceptional quality of software from the PHP MySQL combo. Moreover you can kick start your first web application using PHP MySQL from the first day itself without any investment.

You can get in touch with a PHP web development company India who can help you build projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide PHP web development services. If you would like to hire PHP programmers for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

PHP tips to improve your programming skills

The time at which the industry was trembling with Java and .Net applications, PHP come up to the industry to challenge these giants. Moreover, that time JSP and ASP were at their peak stage and hence we can’t ignore the courage of PHP to come up as a challenger in the industry. Anyway, PHP has come up as a winner in latter stage of its life due to its learn-from-mistakes attitude. With every newer version, it becomes even more powerful and efficient. As a result, there are many frameworks get born to support PHP like Zend, Laravel, CakePHP etc. Anyway, today we will discuss few smart features and tips for PHP developers to improve the skill of programming in the industry.

PHP development

Naming convention is the first step: Well, when a new web developer or PHP developer starts his career in programming; the first and most important thing is to follow Naming convention. As a good software developer, you must follow some basic rules while naming different variables, functions, class, namespace etc. Moreover, you must ensure that these names are meaningful and give adequate hint to understand their basic requirement in the program.

Proper implementation of Session and Cookie: Yes, a good web developer must implement sessions in the application. Session helps in providing continuous service to the user with proper data from database. It also ensures that privacy is maintained from the users prospective. The cookie on the other hand helps in quick web browsing. It stores user’s data in local browser and hence that will definitely help the application to recognize the user and accordingly providing user specific data to the interface.

Avoid unnecessary database connection: This is really an important tip for every web developer including a PHP developer. Sometimes, we find new PHP developers use multiple queries to fetch a set of data to ensure the data availability in the application. This is a terrific problem when you are dealing with some low memory devices like smart phones and tablets. In that case, each and every tiny load on the browser may crash the application. So, you should avoid all nonsense queries in your code to make it more efficient and optimized.

Take the help of modern technologies: As a PHP web developer, you must learn different advanced technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery etc to create enterprise standard web solutions for next generation those are not only attractive but also light weight. Light weight means optimized!! It is an essential part of any modern web application which is supposed to run on different platforms like desktop, laptop, smart phone and tablets. So, you must implement these advanced technologies in your application.

You should learn about Cloud integration: Cloud is a future generation technology. Future is relying on Cloud and so you should!! A good PHP developer is incomplete without being up-to-date. So as a good web developer you must learn different techniques to integrate Cloud in your application. It will definitely bring a smile on the face of your user while roaming within your application.

You can get in touch with a php development company India who can help you build projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide custom PHP development services. If you would like to hire php programmer for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Pros and Cons of CakePHP – The Complete List

CakePHP is hugely popular among web programmers due to its effectiveness in making web application development faster and simples. The open source PHP framework further enables developers to create modern internet apps without writing longer lines of code. Despite being written in PHP, CakePHP follows several concepts of Ruby on Rails. At the same time, it also supports web development for both PHP4 and PHP5, along with several software engineering concepts. However, you still need to consider the pros and cons of CakePHP, if you are planning to use it for building your next internet applications.

php application development

Major Advantages

  • CakePHP supports several widely used software development models including Model-View-Controller (MVC). So developers can use the MVC pattern to keep the business logic and interface separate. The separation makes it easier programmers to simultaneously work on different models. Further, they can easily maintain and update the large web applications without working from the scratch.

  • The code generation and scaffolding feature of CakePHP enables programmers to rapidly create prototypes and reusable code. The code reusability makes developers more productive, while reducing the overall development time. Further, they can rapidly create new PHP applications by reusing the existing code for different projects.

  • Unlike other PHP development frameworks, CakePHP does not require programmers to use complex XML or YAML files. They can simply setup the database, and start application development. Also, the framework effectuates database management by automating the features. The programmers can further use the built-in validation and authentication functionality of CakePHP to avoid writing additional code.

  • CakePHP also comes with a templating system that is both fast and flexible. It further allows programmers to enhance the application’s look and feel by creating custom templates. Some developers even help enterprises in designing tailor-made custom CakePHP templates within a shorter amount of time.

  • Many developers find it daunting to work with standard PHP classes. While dealing with different classes, CakePHP allows programmers to directly access Core and App directories. So it becomes easier for them to define the functions of each class in a much simpler way.

  • In comparison to other PHP frameworks, CakePHP comes with more innovative built-in tools to make the web applications safe and secure. The programmers can use the built-in tools to prevent SQL injection and cross site scripting (XSS) attacks. Also, the tools help developers to validate user input, and prevent form tampering and CSRF.

Significant Disadvantages

  • Many users feel that documentation of CakePHP is inadequate and needs improvement. Despite being a simple and easy-to-learn, CakePHP is considered to be more complex than other PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter. So the developers have to invest both time and effort to learn various aspects of CakePHP.

  • Unlike other PHP frameworks like Symfony, CakePHP does not support default routes for Fancy URLs. So while crating Fancy URLs, programmers are required to update the default routes. The feature adversely affects the efficiency of CakePHP for modern web application development.

  • Some users have also highlighted the difficulties in migrating from version 2.x to 3.x of CakePHP. To become faster, CakePHP 3 does not support a number of backwards compatible changes. That is why; web programmers cannot easily switch their existing applications to the updated version of the PHP framework. However, the developers can directly use CakePHP 3 to develop applications with the new features.

Despite these limitations, CakePHP still complements the latest trends in web development. As it is an open source web application development framework, it can be used by both small and large businesses to rapidly create commercial PHP applications. However, you must not forget evaluate the pros and cons of CakePHP according to the nature and requirements of your next internet application. You can hire developers from top PHP development company India who can help you build projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide PHP application development services. If you would like to hire php programmer for your web development needs, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Some New Features in PHP 5.4 that Needs To Be Listed

The new version, 5.4 of PHP has finally arrived, and it comes up with a string of new features that is extremely important for the developers to know or need to have a grip on. While there are features that have already been there in PHP, and have only been further developed, there are certain features that have been added afresh.

PHP development


This is one of the most significant features of the version 5.4, which consists of code fragments or a set or string of methods, which can be used repeatedly across the classes horizontally. In case of other languages, mixins or multiple inheritances address this particular issue. However, traits do not offer states in forms of properties. It offers a copy and paste method that is assisted by interpreter. Moreover, traits come up with a unique conflict resolution mechanism. Besides, the multiple traits can be used in the same class, even if certain methods are overlapping.

Improved Arrays though syntax and dereferencing

Arrays act like super glue In PHP. They are one of the strongest as well as the longest constructs. As a result of this, shorter syntaxes can also be used in the new version for defining in associative as well as numerical way. The structure of the syntax introduces brackets as short-hand, which has properly been defined and included in PHP scripts.

HTTP Server that is built-in

It also comes up with an in-built HTTP Server for current directories, for the purpose of testing as well as development. Then there are a number of additional options, which include customer document root as well as a router script that can be called upon each request.

Built-in Web Server (CLI)

CLI Server is not designed or developed to be used as a production Web server. It is basically used for conducting some of the PHP regression tests as well as other mechanisms of unit testing. In version 4.5, it comes up with some interesting as well as useful features for daily code debugging jobs that are conducted from the command line.


The latest version of PHP does not have a few of the older features such has the Magic Quotes option, which are either modified in the new version or have been dropped altogether. Again, the PHP namespace is now exclusively reserved to deal with the native code. The E_STRICT errors, which cover the correct usage of the object-oriented constructs as well as deprecation warning, are now covered by E_ALL error reporting, which will point out to each and every error, notice or warning.

Other changes and improvements

PHP version 5.4 has also seen some other minor, not so revolutionary, yet handy improvements that the developers will appreciate at the end of the day.

The latest edition has the ability of disabling the processing of POST data for saving memory CPU cycles. In case this property is activated, it is still possible to go and read the raw data through the input stream path.

JsonSerializable Interface has been introduced and this will help making an object acceptable to the json_encode().

Other improvements include:

Added callable typehint, which provides a function name, an array, composed of an object or a classname, a closure, and a method name, for a definite string.

Added Closure rebinding as parameter to bindTo

This particular feature has been modified so much so that it will now accept any other type of argument, which will define a new scope. This can well be an object in case its class is used as class name or a scope.

Improvement in Memory and Performance

Besides, there are quite a number of internal structures that have either been contracted or have been altogether been eliminated and this has led to almost 20 to 50 per cent memory savings in the larger applications. This has also bettered the performance by 10 to 30 percent, though a series of optimizations that include inlining of various common paths of codes. You can hire PHP developers from PHP development company for your web development needs, who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide custom PHP development services. If you would like to hire developers or would like to discuss with our developers about your projects, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Laravel taking the PHP community by storm – Few reasons

Laravel is the new PHP framework on the block that is hailed as ‘frameworks for the artisans.’ It has emerged as a fresh gust of wind for the developers who want to enjoy their creative work. It is a classy and clean framework that liberates the PHP developers from the complex spaghetti codes. Yet Laravel helps to come up with impressive applications by utilizing expressive as well as lucid syntax. Although there are experts who opine that all the frameworks are equal and choosing one is merely a personal preference. But when it comes to Laravel the primary reason for its popularity lies in the fact that it enjoys support from a huge community of developers.

php application development

Developers generally opt for an open source mainly because there is an active and vibrant community that keeps coming up with popular ideas. This, in turn, helps in creating a rich ecosystem of code snippets, modules, etc. Such an ecosystem will always beat a database created by a certain company. The richness of the database depends on the size of the community. Thankfully, Laravel has a huge community that keeps on growing with each passing day. In this regard, it is reminiscent of Ruby on Rails that had emerged a few years back.

There are various reasons why this framework is preferred by the developers. Let’s begin with its migrations. For creating a database an application needs a quite simple schema with a 5 columned table. The table is required to store title, description, ID, timestamps, etc when the task is created and later updated. To meet this end, there is a feature known as the migrations in Laravel. These are in the form of files which can be used to update the database. Every time they are executed, the schema will alter in a manner that it becomes easy for the developers to update it.

Another reason why it is slowly capturing the PHP market is because it is easy to learn. The learning curve helps you to pick up the technicalities quickly and creating RESTful objects, web interfaces and MVC blocks are no trouble at all. In addition, it uses Composer, Eloquent (as the database abstraction model), Blade (templating standard), Artisan and automatic code generation tool. There are several developers who are unfamiliar with these tools. Thus, it might take a little bit of time to get accustomed to framework. However, once one gets the hang of things, building custom web applications become quite fast. Even a large one can be developed within a short span of time.

Laravel is hugely dependant on the various external packages for its functionality. Composer comes across the dependency manager here. You may as is why should this be important? Well, the composer makes it simple for the beginners to set up the project. There is no need to download zip files online or opt for cloning from github. All that a developer is required to do is click on the run and the entire copy of Laravel will be at your behest. On the other hand, the Artisan is a powerful tool. With this it expands and now the developers can use it to run various kinds of tasks. If you simply type ‘php artisan’ on your terminal window, it will open up multiple options.

There seems to be a perfect balance between usability and flexibility for creating anything that can be implemented online and yet save the long coding hours. However, saving time is not the only criterion that defines a good framework. What makes Laravel stand out is its performance. Of course, it feels all good when you do not have to spend huge hours building a web app. But once you are successful your app must be capable to handle all the hits it receives on being popular. In this regard it is important that your framework provides the necessary support. In fact, this is how a good and poor framework is judged. There are many who are reluctant to invest in testing tools. Under such circumstances, one can opt for finding the reports on a framework’s scalability and performance that are published on the web. You will find that Laravel has garnered good reviews for itself. In fact, it has emerged as a better option when compared to Zend or Yii. Generally frameworks perform faster when they are limited. But in this regard also Laravel scores better than Cake PHP and Zend.

It is due to these vast opportunities that Laravel is becoming a preferable choice for the developers. You can hire developers from PHP development company who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide PHP application development services. If you would like to hire PHP programmers for your web development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

CodeIgniter and Its Importance to PHP

CodeIgniter (CI) is actually an open source web application framework that is designed to facilitate rapid web development. The framework is mainly used to build dynamic sites with the help of PHP.

It is extremely powerful and comes with an inbuilt code management system, which helps in providing cost effective PHP solutions besides helping in production of code that is easier to browse as well as write, thereby resulting in significant time as well as cost saving.

php development

As it is an open source application, it is free and is readily available, it is light-weight, and extremely easy to use as well as to incorporate. Following are the features of CI, which make the application so much important when it comes to PHP development.

User Guide

One of the most significant features that make the framework so much important, is its user guide that to say the least, is extremely useful as well as quite impressive. The documentation is done in the most professional way that comes in handy for the PHP developers, especially when it comes to coding.


CI is user-friendly, simple, and a significant proportion of the operation is completed through library uploading. Besides, as the workings are open as well as clear, it is fairly easy to comprehend and naturally is easy to use.

Model Handling

When it comes to dealing with models, CI uses a straightforward process, thereby imitating the standard SQL queries with the use of some simple commands.

Data Validation

It also helps in data validation, which is a major aspect while dealing with models, where validation of data is done with the use of validation of class. Thus, it becomes absolutely imperative for the PHP developers to know about CodeIgniter for effective code implementation.

Other advantages that CI offers to PHP developers include:

  • Easy, hassle-free, as well as seamless migration from one server to another followed by a smooth installation.

  • It is extremely easy to handle and customize to meet the need of the clients

  • As it is built with a framework that is MVC based, it comes with a lot of flexibility as well as easy management.

It is important for the PHP developers to know about CodeIgniter as it helps in

  • Designing frameworks with footprints that are on the smaller side

  • Some outstanding performance presentation

  • Intensive compatibility for coming to terms with regular hosting accounts that is important when it comes to managing completely distinctive PHP versions

  • Dealing with frameworks that function with practically zero configuration

  • For designing a framework that will not put any restrictions while operating with certain specific secret rules of code writing.

The PHP framework of CodeIgniter helps the developers to program much faster and helps improving the performance of the custom PHP applications. CI also comes up with an array of libraries that the developers can use for implementing new value added features to a website in a seamless fashion.

Moreover, the modular approach of CI helps in easier maintainability of the applications along with seamless incorporation of the new features like:

Dynamic Instantiation: In CodeIgniter, the components get loaded and the routines are executed only upon request. The system does not make any preemptive assumptions regarding what will be required to make the system light-weight by default.

Loose Coupling: Coupling is an extent by which the system components depend upon each other. The lesser is this dependency, the more will be the flexibility and usability of the system. CI helps in this loose coupling.

Component Singularity: Singularity is a parameter that measures the extent to which the components will have a narrowly focused objective. In CI, each and every class and the functions thereof are autonomous enough so as to facilitate optimal usefulness.

If you would like to hire PHP developer from PHP development company in India who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

PHP & MySQL – Why is it considered a Deadly Duo?

Each enterprise wants to beat competition by developing web applications with minimum time, effort and money. Many enterprises rely on open source web technologies to reduce the overall project overheads. But each enterprise must choose the right open source technologies to develop large and complex applications rapidly. A constant increase is being noted in the number of companies opting for PHP and MySQL development.

PHP Development

As an open source server-side scripting language, PHP help developers in rapidly creating large and complex internet application and websites. It further allows users to choose from an array of databases including MySQL. Despite being open source, MySQL is secure, fast, scalable and easy-to-use. So the combination of PHP and SQL facilitates the development of a wide variety of websites and internet applications.

Why PHP & MySQL are considered as a Deadly Duo?

Open Source: As noted earlier, both PHP and MySQL are open source. So an enterprise can avail the widely used server-side scripting language and database without incurring any additional expenses. The absence of licensing fees and similar restrictions further make the combination of PHP and MySQL inexpensive. Both large and small IT companies can avail the combination to reduce overall project cost.

Easy to Use: Unlike other programming language, PHP is easy to learn and use. The PHP syntax can be parsed without putting any extra time and effort. Also, the PHP code can be easily incorporate into the code generated by the WYSIWYG editors. So the programmers are not required to rewrite the HTML lines. Like PHP, MySQL is also simple and easy to use. The database can be used by programmers with basic knowledge of SQL. The users can interact with MySQL simply through some SQL statements. So the combination of PHP and MySQL simplifies the coding process, and hence reduces the development time drastically.

Compatible with Multiple Platforms: The popularity of a website or internet application depends on its compatibility with various platforms. Often enterprises opt for scripting languages and databases that are compatible with major operating system. As a dynamic language, PHP is compatible with major operating systems including Windows, Mac OS X, UNIX and Linux. Similarly, MySQL also runs on many widely used operating systems including Windows, Novell NetWare, Linux, OS/2 and different versions of UNIX. So the combination of PHP and MySQL enhances the compatibility of the web application with major platforms.

Fast and Scalable: PHP is hugely popular among programmers as a dynamic and fast server-side technology. It enables developers to complete coding without putting any extra time and effort. Likewise, MySQL is also faster and more scalable than other databases. The database is designed with fewer features to perform faster than other commercial applications. However, it still comes with the features required for creating database solutions that is required to handle a huge amount of data. The programmers can simply increase the default file size limit to make their web application highly scalable.

Secure: The combination of PHP and MySQL further makes the internet applications more secure. Along with handling a huge amount of data effectively, MySQL also manages memory in an efficient way. It also supports major development interfaces like JDBC and ODBC. MySQL has been tested thoroughly to prevent memory leaks. So the database makes it easier for programmers to optimize the security of their software without putting any extra effort.

Ideal for All Types of Development: Many IT companies use LAMP stack to build complex and custom internet applications for their clients. The LAMP stack includes a PHP programming platform and MySQL database along with an Apache web server and Linux based web server. The stack makes it easier for developers to optimize the performance of their web application by integrating third-party APIs and solutions. The effectiveness of PHP and MySQL can also be determined from the fact that their combination is currently running hugely popular web destinations like Facebook, Wikipedia, WordPress, Flickr and Yahoo.

The programmers also have option to use the MySQL native driver for PHP. Likewise, they can also choose from several PHP MySQL extensions PDO_MySQL or ext/mysqli. So they can use the MySQL native driver for PHP along with the PHP MySQL extension to rapidly create custom applications without writing any extra code. You can get in touch with a php web development company India who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide php application development services. If you would like to hire php developer India for your development needs, Please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

The use of Zend framework for quality web development

Zend framework is an open source that is extensively used nowadays for developing websites. The primary reason behind it is that the framework can easily blend with all types open source applications. Thus, the developers find it a scalable solution for creating dynamic websites. It has become popular within a short span of time as it is simple to use and can lessen the technical problems of the developers. This allows them to concentrate on the other real targets associated with a development project. This particular framework uses PHP 5 that is one of the most popular server side scripting language used in web development. This factor has also resulted in popularizing Zend.

php application development

There are several advantages for which Zend is preferred. Besides the library components, its main benefit is the Model View Controller design and reusable code. In addition, its functionalities are extensive and can be easily customized. The MVC design is highly modular. Besides making the codes reusable, these are also simple to maintain. Zend is also convenient as far as corporate licensing is concerned. Thus, highly interactive websites can be created without much effort from the developers. The framework is further enhanced by the support of PHP as well as multiple databases. Thus, developing websites are quite suitable with it.


Another advantage is the flexibility that it offers. For creating web applications a certain level of flexibility is required. While developing with this framework, the developers have the freedom of choosing a package part or module. They then combine it accordingly with their preferred classes. Thus, the customization process is easier when compared to the other frameworks. The developers are not compelled to use the complete packages.

Supports main databases

Besides this, it also supports the primary databases including MySql, Sq Lite, Oracle, PostgreSql, etc. This factor enables the developers to choose as well as use a database on their own. The reason why Zend is preferred is because it offers extensive control over the design of the applications. It is also packed with built-in support for website services.

Incorporated with latest features

Whilst these are some of the basic advantages of the framework, there are certain latest features incorporated in it, which makes it highly reliable for website development. Syndication, AJAX support and other object oriented solutions are found in it. Moreover, it is quite safe as the BSD license is provided. As a result no third party can breach the website content. This makes it extremely productive and offers ample scope for developing as well as designing websites that are quite dynamic. Such websites can also be easily made visible and managed by increasing the search engine traffic.

Modular MVC design

The MVC architecture has the ability to separate user interface from data. This enables the PHP developers to introduce changes in the databases without disturbing the user interface. Similarly they can also work on the user interface without disturbing the database. Additionally, this MVC design separates the user interface from the business logic too. This feature is not present in most of the other frameworks.

Support of large community

This framework enjoys the support of experienced and active developer community. It aids the developers in deciding which framework to work with. They also ensure that the chosen one will help in adding significant value to the web applications. Thus, the websites are more robust, scalable as well as their performances are enhanced. Moreover, this community is more helpful when compared to the others.

Easy availability of tutorials, videos

Using it is simple as there are adequate supporting sources to guide the developers in the form of tutorials and videos. These are easily available from ZendCasts. A quick general search on the Internet will also lead you to effective results. With the rising popularity and usage of Zend, the numbers of tutorials are also adding up.

If you are looking forward to build user friendly website solutions that are also innovative, then this framework should be your ultimate choice. Components, such as, session management, authentication, authorization and formats facilitate the development of the websites. In addition to these, it also helps in creating cost effective solutions that are open for further development. Being an open source it also supports effective end user maintenance. You can get in touch with a php web development company India who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide php application development services. If you would like to hire php developer India for your development needs, Please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Shopping Cart development using PHP – The easiest way to code

An effective shopping cart forms the backbone of an online business. It is the software which enables the online customers to gather the items they want to purchase. Its success depends on how well it is integrated with the payment gateways. But in order to build an effective shopping cart what tools do you need? What you need to keep in mind in this regard is that the scripting language forms the backbone of shopping cart solutions. PHP is a programming language that can execute this work effectively. It is considered one of the most versatile and the largest open source scripting language that is used nowadays. As a result, the PHP shopping carts are one of the most commonly used cart solutions for online businesses.

php application development

Easy Steps for Building the Cart

To put it simply, usually there are just a few steps that are included in PHP:

  • Create a Database: This is the first step where the coders will create a list of items that will be visible to your online customers.

  • Displaying or Storing Products: A page is built to display the products and another one to show the shopping cart.

  • Cart Page: Finally, a cart page is developed wherein its various functionalities are included.

Beyond this there are certain features that you will find in the PHP shopping cart. There will be an option to ‘add’ or ‘delete’ products to and from the cart. It might include more than one kind of products and these can be easily compiled. The customers can also update the carts manually.

Why is PHP Chosen?

PHP stands for Personal Home Page. In 1994, it was designed for the first time for creating dynamic web pages easily and cost effectively. One of its biggest advantages is that it is easy to learn and use. Whether it is Windows, Linux or Mac, this particular language can operate easily with various operating systems.

Besides being easy to code, it performs exceptionally fast. These are some of the reasons why it is used for online business solutions. When it comes to design the shopping carts, PHP, with its serialization proves actually helpful. Serialization is generally not required in all kinds of databases, but in the earlier versions the value of an item could only be mentioned along with its type. However, the later versions solved this problem completely.

It is relatively easy to find developers for PHP programming language. In comparison, there are very few developers to be found for other languages and their charges are exorbitant. In this regard, this programming language offers a cost effective solution.

Moreover, when you apply this language the carts are more user-friendly. As a result the customers can search the products easily, fast and without any trouble whatsoever. In addition to these, they are quite secure. Security and safety are of prime importance for the eCommerce websites. The money transactions require safe payment gateways. Thus, the solutions offered by the PHP tools ensure that the customer’s data and money transaction are perfectly secure.

This programming language has been created to drive websites. The scripts, thus, are prepared in a way so that integrating them is not troublesome at all. Thus, even a person without any programming language can deal with these shopping carts. The best part is that there are no added financial burdens of hiring specialists to maintain them. This way a business will be able to save a lot of money. In return what you get is a fully integrated ecommerce data mart that is available with relationship management and customer profiling. The decisions about marketing processes will become easier and so will be the updating procedure.

Finally, it is a tough job to balance the features for a shopping cart. Too many features can actually spoil its effectiveness. The idea is to provide exactly what the business wants and nothing more. You can get in touch with a php development company India who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide php application development services. If you would like to hire certified php developer for your development needs, Please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

How powerful is Apigility 1.0 API Builder released by Zend?

Apigility 1.0 from Zend is actually a standard interface that is developed to build, maintain, design, and implement Application Programming Interfaces or APIs. The interface works to simplify as well as ease the support along with compatibility for the advanced traits of API like versioning, handling of errors, documentation, validation, and so on.

PHP web development

The architectures that are based on API have integrated applications for future proofing, and this allows the same API to be utilized across multiple form factors as well as various types of mobile devices. The API can also be reused in various applications throughout the technology ecosystem of an organization. This is where the real power or strength of Apigility 1.0 lies.

Experts are of the opinion that once the companies have constructed an appropriate API set, they are able to support various web as well as mobile based applications the data or services of which are generally provided by a number of backend systems. Besides, the developers are also able to use Apigility 1.0 Application Programming Interface Builder to build up APIs that are capable of enabling mobile apps, community of developers, and access of consumers to applications. It also automates a few processes of creating the APIs, thereby helping the developers in evolving their APIs, to meet the requirements as they keep on changing. This may include addition, updating, removal of APIs to make them tailor made to meet the specifications that are required to address the requirements of the businesses in question.

Another factor that provides Apigility a substantial amount of power is its ability to let any PHP based business logic to get enabled by Application Programming Interface, irrespective of the way it is written along with the type of framework (if any) that is used. It can also verify the capability of each and every client when it comes to viewing any application. It can also evaluate whether the data that is submitted to an Application Programming Interface, is of an acceptable content type. If not, then Apigility can even send back a suitable response that clearly indicates that the API is not able to provide a representation or it is unable to understand the logic of the data.

It also supports more than one version of the same API, besides providing developers a unique option of supporting the old as well as the very last clients simultaneously, thus automating the process of version negotiation to the fullest extent. The user interface also allows the developers to deal with all the API versions from a single, centralized point, make provisions for the newer version whenever needed.

The power of Apigility 1.0 lies in its simplicity along with its standard interface that is apt for building as well as maintaining high quality of the Application Programming Interfaces, which are extremely important to power the modern interconnected applications. These applications are absolutely irreplaceable, when it comes to helping businesses in innovation along with helping them to attain success through agility. Apigility also helps to get rid of the challenges and obstacles that plague designing as well as implementation of the APIs. In short, the real power of Apigility 1.0 comes from its following properties:

Creation of APIs with REST and RPC services– Developers are able to create various new APIs with the help of REST as well as RPC services, by providing a wide range of web based services.

API authentication– It helps in adding authorization as well as authentication to the APIs, thereby enabling various credentials to be assigned to certain specific users.

API documentation– It also helps developers in documentation of their Application Programming Interfaces, by providing credible references to the end-users or consumers.

Besides, Apigility 1.0 also takes care of error handling, validation, negotiation of contents, versioning. You can get in touch with a php web development company India who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

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